Jul 20, 2008

Limitations of mesothelioma

Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.


Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.


Clinical and X-ray findings of the lack of specificity, easily misdiagnosed as encapsulated fluid, Tuberculosis-lung, chest wall and mediastinal tumors, such as. In B-or CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, or look under the microscope in the chest multiple biopsies have confirmed the value.


Surgical excision is the only means of treatment, the removal of the so thoroughly and as soon as possible suitable. Although due to the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low-grade, recurrence, transfer, often with complete cure. So the prognosis is good.

[Pathological changes:

Often from the dirty floor of the pleura, or between the pleura. Duocheng round or oval-shaped solid Huihuang Se nodules. Surface smooth, mild-leaf, a capsule. Tumor size ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to several centimeters, may occupy the side of the chest. Pleural tumor contact with the broad, convex to the pleural cavity; few short stem-based connected with the pleura, the change in position when the mass mobile. By the Organization of spindle cell and collagen fibers from intertwined, in glass-like change and calcification.


Misprision of onset, early asymptomatic more often in the physical examination or X-ray examination found. Tumors grow up they have symptoms of oppression, a chest Duntong, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness, and so on. Pleural effusion rare. Patients with the relevant section of individual pain, pestle-like refers to the performance and low blood sugar. X-ray for the isolation of the spherical or hemispherical pieces shadow, density, a clear edge, and sometimes mildly that the fronds.

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