Jul 21, 2008

Three minutes to determine whether premature ovarian failure

Closed cycle, ahead of, behind, without a regular basis, the volume too much, too little, or color Zihei Danhong, the blood thick or thin, Irregular Menstruation ovarian function is the earliest indications of recession
First of all, 30-year-old female, the recession began ovarian function, hormone disruption of the normal cycle, would cause menstrual disorders. Closed cycle, ahead of, behind, without a regular basis, the volume too much, too little, or color Zihei Danhong, the blood thick or thin, Irregular Menstruation ovarian function is the earliest indications of recession.

Second score sheet with ovarian function of their own self-diagnosis of ovarian function recession level.


Irregular Menstruation: four points: None (0); often, in more or less, menstrual shortened or extended (2); amenorrhea (3)

Insomnia: basic points 2 points: None (0); occasionally (1); regular, effective service of sleeping pills (2); impact on work and life (3)

Easily excited: at 2 pm,: None (0); occasionally (1); often, to exercise restraint (2); often can not be restrained (3)

Feeling of obstacles: the two basic points: None (0); weather-related (1); usually have cold, heat, pain, numbness (2); cold, heat loss (3)

Skin changes: the basic points 2 hours extent: None (0); lost luster, dry skin (1);, prevention, wrinkles (2); dry skin, chloasma (3)

Hot flashes sweating: four points: None (0); <3 / day (1); 3-9 times / day (2 points); ≥ 10 (3 points)

Depression and suspicion: sub-1 minute,: None (0); occasionally (1); often can control (2); life and faith (3)

Vertigo: sub-1 minute,: None (0); occasionally (1); often does not affect life (2); impact on daily life (3)

Fatigue: at one point: None (0); occasionally (1); difficulties on the fourth floor, (2); limited day-to-day activities (3)

Bone and joint pain: at one point: None (0); occasionally (1); often will not affect the function (2); dysfunction (3)

Headache: at one point: None (0); occasionally (1); often can tolerate (2); need of treatment (3)

Palpitation: sub-1 minute,: None (0); occasionally (1); often does not affect life (2); need of treatment (3)

Skin ants take flu: sub-1 minute,: None (0); occasionally (1); often can tolerate (2); need of treatment (3)

Urinary tract infection: sub-2 hours extent: None (0); <3> 3 / year (2);> 1 / (3)

Of living conditions: at 2 pm,: None (0); decreased sexual desire (1); sexual intercourse pain (2); loss of sexual desire (3)

The score is calculated at the basic symptoms and the extent of the product and score. 8 points higher than the total score, ovarian function recession began, more than 19 points a serious recession that ovarian function, 31 points above that of the symptoms of ovarian function recession is very serious.

For example: If you occasionally have Irregular Menstruation, often suffer from insomnia, decreased sexual desire symptoms of ovarian function that you score: 4 × 1 +2 × 2 +2 × 1 = 10 points, you show that the recession began ovarian function.

The early symptoms of ovarian cancer and advanced symptoms

Early detection of ovarian cancer early symptoms, ovarian cancer treatment is of great significance: As ovarian deep in the pelvis, the early onset may have a lesser or no symptoms, can be manifested in: abdominal distention, back pain, pain or discomfort, Abdominal circumference increased, constipation, fatigue, frequency or urgency, can not eat normally, unexplained weight loss.

Early detection of ovarian cancer early symptoms, ovarian cancer treatment is of great significance:

As ovarian deep in the pelvis, the early onset may have a lesser or no symptoms, can be manifested in:

Abdominal distention, back pain, pain or discomfort, abdominal circumference increased, constipation, fatigue, frequency or urgency, can not eat normally, unexplained weight loss.

Because ovarian cancer relatively rare, the chief complaint of abdominal distention and constipation patients many primary care physicians may not think of ovarian cancer. Experts advise that if this group of women have symptoms, physicians should think of the possibility of ovarian cancer, and further to do, such as ultrasound or CT examination. Women should also understand their own bodies, if these symptoms should go to the hospital treatment to help doctors find out the reasons

To the development of advanced ovarian cancer, advanced the following symptoms:

Ovarian cancer rapid growth, easy-proliferation. But in the early days of often asymptomatic or have lesser symptoms, often in the gynaecological examinations, occasionally found, or that tumor growth to a certain size beyond the pelvic, abdomen can be palpable in time, or when complications are found, Daidao for medical treatment When they are already late. The symptoms of ovarian cancer may be due to tumor size, in time, there complications to be different. Common symptoms are:

(1) early occasional side of the abdominal discomfort or abdominal pain are falling flu.

(2) abdominal swelling sense, because the rapid tumor growth in the short term will have abdominal distention, abdominal mass and ascites. Only a small tumor in the pelvic examination can be found beyond the pelvic mass gradually grow up, can touch abdominal tumor.

(3) oppression symptoms: When the tumor to the surrounding tissue infiltration or nerve compression, can cause abdominal pain, back pain or sciatica, if the oppression of pelvic veins, lower limb swelling can occur; huge bladder tumors can be oppressive, frequency, difficulty urinating, Urinary retention; oppression rectum is difficult stool; oppression gastrointestinal tract have gastrointestinal symptoms; oppression diaphragmatic breathing difficulties can occur, we can not sits flat.

(4) because of the rapid tumor growth, malnutrition and physical wasting a form of liquid evil.

(5) due to cancer and a corresponding transfer of the symptoms, ovarian cancer rarely cause pain, such as a tumor rupture, bleeding or infection or because of infiltration oppression nearby organs can cause abdominal pain, low back pain.

(6), a menstrual disorder, vaginal bleeding. If the bilateral ovarian cancer were damaged, can cause menstrual disorders and menopause, lung transfer can be a cough, hemoptysis, pleural effusion, bone metastases can cause partial Juteng metastasis. Intestinal transfer may have blood in the stool, can cause serious intestinal obstruction.

(7) Moreover, if the function of the tumor, can produce the estrogen or symptoms of androgen excess. Such as: from early dysfunctional uterine bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding or a masculine features. Late patients showed significant weight loss, severe anemia and other diseases of the evil phenomenon. Gynecological examination in the vagina after fornix hit hard nodules scattered in the mass for more bilateral and substantive, rugged surface, fixed fixed, often accompanied with bloody ascites. Sometimes in the groin, armpit or supraclavicular reach the swollen lymph nodes.

Polycystic ovary syndrome amenorrhea performance

PCOS of the feedback mechanism by the sex hormone disorders caused by the syndrome. Its cause is not yet clear, that is no ovulation ovarian continued the final outcome.

PCOS of the feedback mechanism by the sex hormone disorders caused by the syndrome. Its cause is not yet clear, that is no ovulation ovarian continued the final outcome.

Clinical performance summed up as follows:

First, menstrual disorders: mainly amenorrhea, for the vast majority of secondary amenorrhea, amenorrhea before menstruation often scarce or too little, menstruation and menopause occasionally there are too many alternative.

Second, infertility: is usually after the onset of menarche, married with infertility, menstrual disorders and as a result of ovulation.

Third, after more than adolescent gross levy: Jiaonong such as the eyebrows, upper lip, lower limbs, genital and perianal increase in the gross, or with masculine, such as acne and clitoris mast. This is because due to excessive androgen production.

4. Acanthosis nigricans levy: This is another of androgen excess signs, often in patients with back, neck, armpits and groin, etc. skin color Hui Hese home calmly, with symmetry, Qingfu such as velvet.

5, bilateral ovarian increase: about than 1-3 times the normal ovary, the package thickness, quality and resilience.

6, based on a single-phase body temperature.

Uncovered premature ovarian failure of the "culprits"

Modern medicine now on the specific form of the disease pathogenesis and is not yet very clear in recent years, many scholars have their main cause of the following understanding.

Ovary in women's life plays a very important role, from the beginning of puberty to menopause, ovarian morphology and functions in place in the cyclical changes. Mature women after ovarian secretion of estrogen and progesterone will menstrual Lai Chao, estrogen can promote female genital mutilation, Second Sex and maintain the development levy. Ovarian most important function is to create ovulation estrogen, which will let young women, beautiful.

The characteristics of premature ovarian failure

Premature ovarian failure is the normal ovarian gonadotropin can not make normal reaction, so that the body showed high gonadotropin, low estrogen levels of the state. Premature ovarian failure is the main performance of women in menopause before age 40, Yaosuanbeitong, sweating hot flashes, vaginal dryness, dizziness burnout, emotional volatility, such as insomnia and decreased sexual performance, serum FSH> 40IU / L, LH> 30IU / L, E2 <25 pg / ml, PRL normal; B super-examination prompted ovarian no organic disease.

The mechanism of premature ovarian failure

Modern medicine now on the specific form of the disease pathogenesis and is not yet very clear in recent years, many scholars have their main cause of the following understanding: gene mutation: study found that Atm / c-kit gene mutation and gene products can cause Shiji Follicles And the decrease in the number of apoptosis; autoimmune: a number of autoimmune diseases, is the most common autoimmune thyroiditis, can cause premature ovarian failure; mental stress: the spirit of the General Assembly had led to pressure on the endocrine disorder caused by premature ovarian failure, physical : Ovarian is very sensitive, if often subject to the radiation exposure of its functions on the recession earlier than; excessive weight loss - a considerable part of the preservation of estrogen in fatty tissue, excessive weight loss or malnutrition, the premature ovarian failure More dangerous.

To the old secret

In women's life, ovarian played a very important role. From the beginning of puberty to menopause, ovarian morphology and functions in place in the cyclical changes in sexual maturity, with the exception of pregnancy and lactation, ovarian constant repetition of such cyclical changes.

The fear of aging is a woman, the most one of the main issues of concern. Over the years, women face the greatest threat is from the aging cause trouble. To this end, women still struggle with aging. From external to internal, people gradually found: a woman with ovarian life is so close, it is the soul of a woman-led, it is so radiant woman, also a woman Weilaoxiancui……

In women's life, ovarian played a very important role. From the beginning of puberty to menopause, ovarian morphology and functions in place in the cyclical changes in sexual maturity, with the exception of pregnancy and lactation, ovarian constant repetition of such cyclical changes. However, women in his life, to complete the full cycle of egg up to only 400 to 500. When the cessation of ovarian secretion of eggs, women enter menopause, that is, people say the menopause. Ovarian-cortex and medulla in two parts. Cortex spread of 30 to 700,000 Shiji Follicles, when the fetus is the original egg cells after the formation of cell division. Person's life, only 400 to 500 follicular development and maturation, and the rest to a certain degree of degradation after the disappearance.

At present, there is no way to the medical ovarian secretion of a longer period of time the egg, which is to extend the reproductive function, but can only use synthetic hormone replacement ovarian secretion of female hormones, the endocrine function of women. For this reason, women have a healthy ovary becomes very valuable. And want to have all this, we must first protect the ovary, so from harm.

After the easy flow of people old people

According to relevant data showed that ovarian function of the current trend of premature senility a younger age and the incidence of getting higher and higher. Shanghai Hospital in a random check of medical records of 1,500 women found that due to poor health conditions lead to ovarian advance into the menopausal women account for 12 people and caused the decline of estrogen caused by bone pain, hump-back, is Bianai symptoms such as osteoporosis The crowd of three percent of the total. More than 90 percent of women have never had ovarian health status of the inspection, maintenance of ovarian function missed the best opportunity.

Many women do people in the former always asked the doctor: the body has little impact »and they are generally considered refers to the physical damage and pain, but not aware of the hormone Butongbuyang the impact of changes in the human body. In fact, the physical damage will soon be restored, but now most of the main flow of people is painless, only that the mysterious endocrine changes in the human body against one or two days can not recover.

Experts pointed out that some young women as the flow of conventional remedial measures, three months to two people, this is for their own health is not responsible for the performance, they do not know, from pregnancy to childbirth, in the various systems will occur Many subtle changes, but in October Huaitai, this body has been doing a good job of adequate preparations. And the artificial termination of pregnancy, the body's endocrine level will drop dramatically, not a slow process of adaptation, which the human body is a potential hidden combat. If repeated abortions, the body suffered by the double blow will gradually so that all the functions gradually diminish, there premature senility.

Ovarian "premature senility" as early as the old people

Ovarian are women important one of the endocrine glands, and its main function is to female hormone secretion and generate the egg. For example, mature women, the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, in its impact, menstrual Lai Chao. At the same time estrogen can promote female genital mutilation, Second Sex and maintain the development levy, can be said that women can be rejuvenated vigor, the role of ovarian. Ovarian function will not affect hormone secretion and female sexual function, skin texture, colour and women Sanwei body, facial hair yellow, bloated body, a dry vagina, Huang Lianpo into the early period, that is approaching senility. According to relevant data showed that ovarian function of the current trend of premature senility a younger age and the incidence of getting higher and higher. Shanghai Hospital in a random check of medical records of 1,500 women found that due to poor health conditions lead to ovarian advance into the menopausal women account for 12 people and caused the decline of estrogen caused by bone pain, hump-back, is Bianai symptoms such as osteoporosis The crowd of three percent of the total. More than 90 percent of women have never had ovarian health status of the inspection, maintenance of ovarian function missed the best opportunity.

Common symptoms of premature ovarian failure which »

If you feel from time to time again and fever, facial Chaohong, easy Fapi Qi, vaginal secretion of small, dry, painful sexual intercourse, we should note, to the hospital for an examination to see whether there is a trend in premature ovarian failure if the menstrual cycle longer intervals, the volume of a Less gradually to menopause, they should first rule is not a disease.

Experts said: "With the development of modern medicine, all aspects of treatment are very focus on raising the quality of life and survival, and we should cherish their own, protect their own health."

How to avoid premature senility ovarian function »

Experts point out that the main way of life from early on to prevention.

To promote a post-natal breast-feeding, breast-feeding time as long as possible, reproductive age women using oral contraceptives to avoid the method.

The habits of life, women must adhere to the regular milk, intake of fish, shrimp and other food and regular physical activity, with particular attention in public places, the family quit smoking and reduce passive smoking, so as to avoid early menopause for women's health The harm.

Three under the weight of white-collar women to learn how to self-regulate emotions. Modern medical research that the mood relaxed and happy, pulse, blood pressure, gastric motility, metabolism are in a stable state of coordination, in the immune substances secreted more disease-resistant capacity and bad feelings can lead to hypertension, coronary heart disease, ulcers Disease and even cancer. Women must be good at regulating emotion, a correct view of the psychological conflicts, may go out for travel, finding time to chat with your friends venting negative feelings.

4 establish a scientific way of life. Many monotonous life is one of the causes of the disease. The establishment of civilized, healthy and scientific way of life, for improving the physical quality and prevent Jilaochengji essential. Reasonable pace of life, to living a regular, adequate sleep, Laoyijiege to cultivate a wide range of interests and hobbies, plant flowers in the garden away from trees, listening to music, practicing calligraphy, painting, playing, etc., can be pleasant feeling, to reconcile qi and blood, Conducive to health.

Premature senility for the treatment of ovarian function, the general use of hormone replacement therapy. Recently, however, doctors have developed will not survive after fetal ovarian tissue culture, transplanted to adult women in the ovary transplant method can be effective treatment for premature ovarian failure caused by the "menopausal symptoms."

Premature sex life harmful

Experts believe that abortion is the younger age of this trend is cause for concern. These girls to the hospital for medical treatment, are in a state of Sidongfeidong and a general lack of self-protection, I do not know what abortion would be hurt. Some Shiqi Ba-year-old girl, the reproductive system has not been fully developed, and premature Guoxingshenghuo, contraceptive failure after repeated do flow, causing physical and psychological harm.

Ovarian cysts and catering to bogey

Medium-sized benign tumor may have abdominal distention and abdominal discomfort, patients often can be reached mass, the tumor can produce tremendous pressure symptoms. The rapid growth of malignant tumors, to the surrounding tissue infiltration, caused abdominal pain, abdominal distention, bleeding, vaginal bleeding; co-infection with fever; tumor necrosis are Kuipo, bloody ascites, a late suffering from weight loss, fatigue, anemia and other manifestations of evil disease. Their diet should pay attention to the following.

Ovarian cancer is the gynecologic common diseases, from childhood to old age may occur, according to the degree of malignancy, divided into benign and malignant tumors of the junction. Ovarian in the pelvis, its malignant superficial as the organization easy to realize, when they found is already late, is the main threat to the health of women, one of the malignant tumor. Slow the development of benign ovarian tumors, benign tumors of the small number of asymptomatic; medium-sized benign tumor may have abdominal distention and abdominal discomfort, patients often can be reached mass, the tumor can produce tremendous pressure symptoms. The rapid growth of malignant tumors, to the surrounding tissue infiltration, caused abdominal pain, abdominal distention, bleeding, vaginal bleeding; co-infection with fever; tumor necrosis are Kuipo, bloody ascites, a late suffering from weight loss, fatigue, anemia and other manifestations of evil disease.


1, to eat with anti-tumor effect of food: TAL, hippocampus, soft-shelled turtle, Pearl tea, hawthorn.

2, bleeding Yichiyangxue, Luo Shi, mussel, squid, Shepherd's Purse, lotus root, mushrooms, Maryland head, at Shiershan, Feizi, persimmon.

3, infection Yichi eels, clams, Hydrus, needle fish, carp, Eucheuma, celery, sesame seeds, buckwheat, rape, Chinese toon, Chidou, mung bean.

4, abdominal pain, abdominal distention Yichizhuyao, Yangmei, hawthorn, orange cake, walnut and chestnut.


1, bogey tobacco, alcohol.

2, bogey onions, garlic, Law, cinnamon, and other provocative food.

3, bogeys fatty, fried, mildew, preserved food.

4, bogey lamb, vinegar, leeks, pepper and other hot food blood moving.

Treatment of premature senility of the European study results

French National Health and Medical Research Institute and Nicolas Levy from Spain's Oviedo University School of Medicine Carlos Lopez - Aoting leadership of the research team found that in mice in the experiment, two existing elements statine (Used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood) and aminobisphosphonate (for the treatment of osteoporosis) of the compound to stop the toxic protein premature senility, and the incidence of premature senility is due to premature senility protein in the cells of the stock.

Of premature senility is a very rare disease, the sick children since birth will be infected. These children's appearance and physical deformities, as some of the old people: sparse hair, thin skin and no hair, joint stiffness, cardiovascular problems. Premature senility of Prior to this there is no treatment, the average life span of sick children are very short, only 12 years old to 13 years old.

The researchers believe that, in addition to the treatment of premature senility, these research results will also contribute to a better understanding of normal aging mechanism.

How should the prevention of premature ovarian failure

The prevention of premature ovarian failure:

1 fitness Yu Xin

Adhere to enhance physical exercise is a middle-aged women to maintain strong vitality of the most important via strong physique to maintain the function of the system of health and coordination with the endocrine system which functions to delay the destruction of the natural decline of ovarian function

Exciting to keep the spirit of Comfortableness is Caolao of middle-aged women to bear in mind that the current white-collar working women because of the excessive pressure of too much tension in premature ovarian failure and the phenomenon of women who both have a common occurrence with a positive attitude to treat menopause and old age to eliminate the arrival of Unnecessary anxiety and fear but also in the event of some are not suited to take positive and effective ways of handling should be good at to get sympathy from their families comfort and encouragement, or if the spirit of the nervous system symptoms can be the proper use of heavy sedation spasm of sleep Drugs such as the stability (and Western) Mian Seoul-oryzanol, such as vitamin B6 may increase with vitamin A and vitamin E vitamin B complex to be necessary to seek gynecological medical and psychological help

2 fresh support Conditioning

Attention to diet to make ensure that adequate intake of nutrients can help maintain the reproductive system of women access to the necessary functions of nutrition Jianwang women can be properly eat some high-quality protein B vitamins folic acid calcium nutrients such as iron pig eggs and milk beans Mushroom fungus products fresh vegetables such as kelp seaweed fish diet while maintaining a light not too sweet Guoxian tired of eating dinner on time and not Baoyinbaosi

Therapeutic prevention of ovarian function is premature senility and Zhu Yan anti-aging here the most effective way to share and recommended several fresh support:

Soybean soybean not only rich in protein but also high-quality soy isoflavones soybean lecithin soy saponins soybean oligosaccharides soybean dietary fiber and vitamin E after hydrolysis of soybean peptides, and other material they have special physiological functions of aging can improve gastrointestinal function down Antilipemic including blood pressure and soy isoflavones with the role of estrogen and estrogen can prevent the disease in the lower menopause syndrome such as elevated blood lipids, such as osteoporosis; the high estrogen levels, soy isoflavones are expressed as anti-estrogen Activity can prevent breast cancer, such as endometrial cancer

Isoflavones in addition to the distribution of natural soy beans from Thailand White Mexico still wild puerarin, such as alfalfa and mung bean plants

Bai Muer (Tremella Xueer) Bai Muer "of the highest in the" reputation of a high nutritional value is nourishing treasures Bai Muer in carbohydrates is more important elements must also contain a variety of human amino acid Calcium Iron phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins are Anti-thrombosis protection of cardiovascular health and prevent arteriosclerosis hypolipidemic effect of lowering blood glucose, such as delaying the decline of ovarian function has a role

3 Love, moisture

Happiness of the couple's happy life on the women's first significant health benefits can promote female sex hormone secretion in the body when the couple making love and caressing the penis into the vagina to stimulate the women are healthy response to the neuroendocrine system to have an extremely subtle changes in response Better stimulate the secretion of hormones so that more women to increase vaginal secretion of vaginal lubrication to maintain the physical characteristics of women followed by breast development can promote sex as sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse before the caressing of massage and stimulate the growth of bilateral breast nipple full uplift will be filling uplift sexual intercourse The process can also promote the secretion of prolactin Furthermore sex can ease dysmenorrhea intimate physical contact between men and women abdominal massage penis and vagina to stimulate the healthy and friction within the female genital mutilation have a climax when the brain and the release of endorphins and other substances on the final sex Is conducive to the elimination of semen contained in semen is known as the cytoplasm similar to penicillin kind of sterilization of vaginitis Salpingitis Cervicitis endometritis, and other diseases have inhibited

Smart women at the extraordinary life of the energy access to a happy life they would not wait for disease to appear before the treatment through a variety of health but quietly the advent of anti-aging

How should treatment of premature ovarian failure

40-year-old women in the previous recession in ovarian function in premature ovarian failure, said a premature ovarian failure accompanied autoimmune diseases

Apart from premature ovarian failure, amenorrhea, only a few similar symptoms of menopause syndrome but because young women in long-term low-estrogen state and uterine contraction in sexual intercourse vaginal discharge reduce pain and even osteoporosis should be timely now that estrogen replacement therapy is not premature ovarian failure Must be irreversible especially for patients with the expectations of fertility treatment should still be positive

(1) Artificial cycle: the cyclical added estrogen and progesterone to avoid genital mutilation epithelial atrophy and the loss of calcium and can protect the cardiovascular system to prevent changes in lipid metabolism can start at any time if the oral estrogen diethylstilbestrol 0.5 ~ 1 mg per night for a meeting 22 days in the first 11 days of medication began to add progesterone such as oral medroxyprogesterone acetate (the Palace progesterone) 8 ~ 10 mg every night, even one serving 10 days such as progesterone injection from the first serve of estrogen 16 Day 10 mg daily intramuscular injection of five consecutive needle such as clothes ethinylestradiol 5 μ g even one night only served 20 to 22 days with progesterone

(2)-induced follicular development: the artificial cycle stage after a single treatment with low-dose estrogen diethylstilbestrol as 0.5 mg or 0.25 mg (ethinylestradiol 12.5 μ g) every night, even one serving three weeks stopping one week with or without dismantling Properties started bleeding again the first two cycles of three cycles for a course in estrogen levels slightly elevated FSH and LH has been inhibited after the appropriate application of HMG follicular development and even stimulate ovulation

(3) immunosuppressants: adrenal function can be used to lower cortisol treatment

(4) Chinese medicine with western medicine in the treatment or treatment: Reduce Pathogenic Fire Bushen Huoxue Ziyin commonly used drugs with estrogen with a view to gradually restored ovarian function

Premature ovarian failure can be complicated by the diseases

For the women, Amy premature ovarian failure is a serious disease premature ovarian failure not only of women Amy comprehensive physical appearance skin will be adversely affected by infertility does not lead to functional decline in fertility and menopause the same as some people fear the complications of premature aging Advent of how to treat premature ovarian failure early detection is very important when women's menstrual gradually reduce the time in particular, the menstrual cycle can not be significantly delayed or Laichao of age in women over the age of 30 should attach great importance to

Premature ovarian failure should do what checks


Karyotype for 46 xx blood estrogen levels low (often less than 20 pg / ml) of blood FSH and LH increased FSH higher than the earlier rise in LH normal blood prolactin dismantling of estrogen-positive blood test for ovarian biopsy often found yet There may be a follicle is the lack of ovarian FSH receptor on the lack of response to this situation gonadotropin-called ovarian syndrome is not sensitive because of ovarian syndrome is not sensitive and less see little chance of pregnancy is not generally advocate if ovarian biopsy Conditions can detect ovarian tissue antibody and anti-adrenal cortex antibodies to detect the autoimmune disease

What are the performance of premature ovarian failure and how to diagnosis

1 premature ovarian failure symptoms. Gonad development are not the primary amenorrhea gonadal dysgenesis, irregular menstruation, or menarche delayed 2. Gonadal development of secondary infertility few years after menstruation gradually scarce until menopause 3. Ovulatory typical POF who have hot flashes gonad Hypothyroidism performance such as night sweats constipation alopecia vaginal dryness pain sexual intercourse dropped hypothyroidism urinary tract infection

What is premature ovarian failure causes »

1. Immune factors accounted for about 20 percent in the blood of such antibodies can be detected in patients with ovarian often combined in other autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus rheumatoid arthritis congenital lack of an enzyme in the body

2. Cytogenetic factors reproductive cells less congenital atresia speed up the follicle X chromosome abnormalities in patients with a family history of 10%

3. Physical factors such as surgery chemotherapy infection caused gonadotropin secretion defect, or gonadotropin receptors or receptor defects

4. Idiopathic premature ovarian failure patients with no clear reasons for the normal chromosomes of blood sex hormone FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) LH (luteinizing hormone) increased E2 (estrogen) lower PRL (PRL) in patients with normal estrogen not only have the potential lack of Ovarian androgen production or lack of adrenal steroid hormones ability to generate mild defects laparoscopy small ovarian or ovarian atrophy

Mesothelioma symptoms

Description: Under normal circumstances, mesothelioma symptoms appear in contact with asbestos 15 to 40 years. Pleural mesothelioma symptoms often appear as respiratory difficulties, or because of fluid accumulation caused by chest pain; peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms usually include weight loss, due to accumulation of fluid in the abdominal and stomach pain and swelling.
Mesothelioma symptoms of mesothelioma symptoms are often the very subtle. Mesothelioma is often overlooked or wrongly diagnosed as symptoms of other diseases. The majority of people in the event of mesothelioma symptoms after three to four months before starting treatment, and some people even longer delays. Under normal circumstances, mesothelioma symptoms appear in contact with asbestos 15 to 40 years. Pleural mesothelioma symptoms often appear as respiratory difficulties, or because of fluid accumulation caused by chest pain;


Most of malignant mesothelioma is due to long-term asbestos work in an environment of incoming asbestos or asbestos exposure to live in the family environment caused. In rare cases, exposure to asbestos or even one month may also lead to mesothelioma.

National Association of mesothelioma cancer is the definition: Mesothelioma is a rare find in the mesothelial cells of malignant cancer. Most of the patients suffering from mesothelioma due to asbestos floating work environment, thus arising from the inhalation of asbestos particles.

Mesothelioma often in the lung or abdominal membrane. Although the disease usually takes several decades in the post-exposure to asbestos form, but once there mesothelioma, it will spread very quickly and deteriorate.

Because mesothelioma and other symptoms of the disease is less Xiang Xiang, coupled with the onset of the disease for a long time interval, mesothelioma patients generally have to wait until after onset of disease symptoms can be felt. .

Mesothelioma exposure

Asbestos manufacturers as early as the 1970s ago to understand exposure to asbestos could lead to the risk of mesothelioma cancer, but they will this information as trade secrets to strictly control. The first exposure to asbestos on the reports in the mid-1960s. Even today, asbestos manufacturers are still long as possible hide the fact that the asbestos risk.

People long-term exposure to asbestos in the environment caused by inhaling asbestos mesothelioma of the risk to increase dramatically, but recent study found that even very short-term exposure to asbestos can also lead to such disease is usually glass, mesothelioma need 20 to 40 years after Show symptoms, people usually aged between 50 to 70 were diagnosed with this disease and Bolivia

Although the reported rate in the past 20 years has increased, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer. The United States each year there are about 2,000 new mesothelioma was diagnosed cases.

Mesothelioma causes

Is the main cause of mesothelioma patients to asbestos exposure. Approximately 70 - 80% of the diagnosis of mesothelioma patients exposed to asbestos at work in history. However, there are some mesothelioma patients do not have any records of contact with asbestos.

Asbestos fibers can be a lot to be dispersed into the air and minerals. Asbestos was widely used in many industrial products, including cement, gates lining, roof-tile, textiles and insulation materials.

If tiny asbestos particles floating in the air, particularly in the manufacturing process, they will be inhaled and cause serious health problems.

In addition to mesothelioma, the asbestos exposure increased lung cancer, asbestos calmly disease (noncancerous, chronic lung disease) risk, and other cancers, such as jets and kidney cancer.

The combination of smoking and asbestos greatly increased air access with the risk of disease.

Mesoth What is mesothelioma »

Pleural mesothelioma is pleural primary tumor, there are limitations of (mostly benign) and diffuse (all malignant) points. Which diffuse malignant mesothelioma to the chest tumor one of the worst prognosis. H-3 Q2Z should be in TX
The first symptoms of chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath was the most common. Have a fever, sweating or joint pain mainly v. symptoms. About half of patients over a large number of pleural effusion with severe shortness of breath. No large pleural effusion, chest pain often even more, common weight loss. Ordinary X-ray found that pleural effusion, and lung tumor was wrapped, and so on, have advanced cases can cause the heart pericardium exudate video to expand and soft tissue damage, such as video and ribs. X3 should UKBM category X0
For suspicious of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, CT check the most useful. Hydrothorax cytology also contribute to the diagnosis. Routine laboratory tests, some patients may have more platelets, serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), such as elevated. For routine examination not clear diagnosis can be done pleural thoracoscopic biopsy. General most patients can have access diagnosis. Commodities YPZY5ONEJ
The treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, is still no effective cure methods. Treatment, a surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation treatment, the tumor is generally believed that the relative limitations of the stage I patients, so radical that the pleural pneumonectomy. For Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ of patients, radical surgery has no meaning, only a palliative operation implementation of medicines should be at 0% IHU
Most of morbidity in patients between the ages of 40-70, men more than women.

Mesothelioma is not the rule

Pleural mesothelioma is pleural primary tumor, there are limitations of (mostly benign) and diffuse (all malignant) points. Which diffuse malignant mesothelioma to the chest tumor one of the worst prognosis. Most of the patients in the 40-70 age group, men more than women. The first symptoms of chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath was the most common. Have a fever, sweating or joint pain mainly v. symptoms. About half of patients over a large number of pleural effusion with severe shortness of breath. No large pleural effusion, often even more chest pain, weight loss common. Ordinary X-ray found that pleural effusion, and lung tumor was wrapped, and so on, have advanced cases can cause the heart pericardium exudate video to expand and soft tissue damage, such as video and ribs. For suspicious of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, CT check the most useful. Hydrothorax cytology also contribute to the diagnosis. Routine laboratory tests, some patients may have more platelets, serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), such as elevated. For routine examination not clear diagnosis can be done pleural thoracoscopic biopsy. General most patients can have access diagnosis.
The treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, is still no effective cure methods. Treatment, a palliative treatment, surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation treatment, the tumor is generally believed that the relative limitations of the stage I patients, so radical that the pleural pneumonectomy. For Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ of patients, radical surgery has no meaning, only the purposes of palliative surgery. In fact, most of the patients to the disease diagnosis, is in Phase II above. The rapid growth in patients with pleural effusion often leads to serious breathing difficulties, palliative surgery for advanced patients improve their quality of life of great significance. Thoracic into the past use of chemotherapy drugs, such as pleural effusion or dissipated to pleural adhesions blocking the way often to be ineffective. I used Thoracoscopic by pleural fixation, in malignant pleural mesothelioma palliative treatment have achieved good results, thoracoscopic surgery will be thoroughly clean hydrothorax aspiration and fully separated adhesion so that the rehabilitation of the lung, and then injected into Disinfection talc, pleurodesis, control of a pleural effusion, ease patients with advanced cancer of the clinical symptoms.

Peritoneal malignant mesothelioma

1. History questions

The unknown causes abdominal pain, abdominal distention and gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal pain can be expressed as diversification, but the persistence of abdominal pain is common characteristics. The high incidence of ascites, in more than 90 percent, in a short period of abdominal pain can be a long period, the sudden appearance of ascites, but ascites may also appear in the early days alone. The amount of ascites and stubborn. In general the situation changes very little longer period of time, to maintain appetite, weight loss was not obvious, no fever, can sometimes occur spontaneously hypoglycemia. Can be accompanied by chest pain, breathing difficulties, cough and other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma.

2. Medical examination found

Peng Long abdomen, or a frog belly, mobility Zhuoyin positive abdominal palpation can reach sizes ranging from single or multiple tumors, the general tenderness was not obvious. As with pleural mesothelioma, pleural effusion can be found that the positive signs.

3. Laboratory

B-ultrasound and CT, can be found thin sheet mass images and ascites. Ascites for effusion, but also for the courage and uprightness. Ascites in hyaluronic acid such as increased to 120 ug / ml, the diagnosis helpful. Ascites find new biological diagnosis of mesothelioma cells, but also the middle of ascites skin cell chromosome analysis, contribute to the diagnosis. Laparoscopic found that the surface peritoneal nodules and plaques, biopsy pathological examination to confirm the diagnosis. Should pay attention to tuberculosis and peritonitis, peritoneal metastasis of identification.

Peritoneal malignant mesothelioma

Peritoneal malignant mesothelioma, also known as the primary peritoneal mesothelioma, is the origin of the peritoneal epithelium and intergovernmental organizations skin tumors. This rare disease than pleural mesothelioma, men slightly higher than women. Etiology and asbestos exposure related to its contacts with the onset of a long interval, often more than 30 years. Benign mesothelioma often single, multi-in tubal, at the top of the uterine peritoneum, other parts of rare. Malignant mesothelioma often diffuse, covering all or part of peritoneum.

Peritoneal mesothelioma (digestive internal medicine)

Peritoneal mesothelioma originated in the epithelium and peritoneal mesothelial organizations, to asbestos dust pathogenic substances, some of the virus may also be caused mesothelioma reasons. Peritoneal mesothelioma pathology can be divided into: adenomatoid tumors, cystic mesothelioma, and three kinds of malignant mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma clinical manifestations are not specific, the inspection positive rate is not high, specificity is not strong, clinical diagnosis very difficult. With laparoscopy, ultrasound and CT-guided biopsy technology and the development of pathology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy raising the level of diagnosis, more and more cases of the former during his lifetime or clear diagnosis. Peritoneal mesothelioma mainly with tuberculosis peritonitis, intra-abdominal cancer metastasis, the other primary peritoneal omentum in the identification of the tumor. So far, peritoneal mesothelioma is still a lack of effects of treatment, the overwhelming majority of scholars that include surgical resection, radiation and chemotherapy after a comprehensive treatment measures.

Limitations of mesothelioma


Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.


Clinical and X-ray findings of the lack of specificity, easily misdiagnosed as encapsulated fluid, Tuberculosis-lung, chest wall and mediastinal tumors, such as. In B-or CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, or look under the microscope in the chest multiple biopsies have confirmed the value.


Surgical excision is the only means of treatment, the removal of the so thoroughly and as soon as possible suitable. Although due to the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low-grade, recurrence, transfer, often with complete cure. So the prognosis is good.

[Pathological changes:

Often from the dirty floor of the pleura, or between the pleura. Duocheng round or oval-shaped solid Huihuang Se nodules. Surface smooth, mild-leaf, a capsule. Tumor size ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to several centimeters, may occupy the side of the chest. Pleural tumor contact with the broad, convex to the pleural cavity; few short stem-based connected with the pleura, the change in position when the mass mobile. By the Organization of spindle cell and collagen fibers from intertwined, in glass-like change and calcification.


Misprision of onset, early asymptomatic more often in the physical examination or X-ray examination found. Tumors grow up they have symptoms of oppression, a chest Duntong, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness, and so on. Pleural effusion rare. Patients with the relevant section of individual pain, pestle-like refers to the performance and low blood sugar. X-ray for the isolation of the spherical or hemispherical pieces shadow, density, a clear edge, and sometimes mildly that the fronds.

Peritoneal surgical treatment of malignant mesothelioma

For I, Ⅱ period PMM preferred treatment. Including by type of tumor surgery (cytoreductive surgery), with as much as possible to see
Tumor. But the fact is difficult because of surgery, diffuse lesions, and difficult to attain the objective of complete resection. The recurrence can be re-operation. The intestinal
Obstruction possible palliative operation, ease the symptoms of obstruction.

Peritoneal mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma is the primary peritoneal mesothelial cells in the tumor. Clinical performance is not characteristic, common signs and symptoms are: abdominal pain, ascites, abdominal distention and abdominal mass, and so on. Peritoneal mesothelioma all mesothelioma cases accounted for about 20 per cent, occurred in 2-92 years old, the average age is 54 years, of which about 63 percent of the cases in the 45-64 years of age, children are rarely sick.
Clinical performance
1. Abdominal pain, abdominal distention, ascites, abdominal mass, 2. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, 3. Fatigue, fever, weight loss, anemia, 4. Hypoglycemia, diffuse abdominal ossification, 5. Merger Other parts of mesothelioma such as the peritoneal mesothelioma, the transfer of other organs and complications of corresponding performance.

1. Abdominal pain, abdominal distention, ascites, abdominal mass of patients, in particular, have a history of exposure to asbestos, 2. Imaging examination of peritoneal cancer signs of a thin sheet and ascites, 3. Exfoliative cytology ascites, 4. Peritoneal biopsy, laparoscopic And laparotomy and organizations from a pathological examination can be confirmed.

Peritoneal mesothelioma originated in the epithelium and peritoneal mesothelial organizations, to asbestos dust pathogenic substances, some of the virus may also be caused mesothelioma reasons. Peritoneal mesothelioma pathology can be divided into: adenomatoid tumors, cystic mesothelioma, and three kinds of malignant mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma clinical manifestations are not specific, the inspection positive rate is not high, specificity is not strong, clinical diagnosis very difficult. With laparoscopy, ultrasound and CT-guided biopsy technology and the development of pathology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy raising the level of diagnosis, more and more cases of the former during his lifetime or clear diagnosis. Peritoneal mesothelioma mainly with tuberculosis peritonitis, intra-abdominal cancer metastasis, the other in the primary peritoneal Omental identification of the tumor.

Pleural mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma is pleural primary tumor, there are limitations of (mostly benign) and diffuse (all malignant) points. Which diffuse malignant mesothelioma to the chest tumor one of the worst prognosis. Most of the patients in the 40-70 age group, men more than women.

The first symptoms of chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath was the most common. Have a fever, sweating or joint pain mainly v. symptoms. About half of patients over a large number of pleural effusion with severe shortness of breath. No large pleural effusion, often even more chest pain, weight loss common. Ordinary X-ray found that pleural effusion, and lung tumor was wrapped, and so on, have advanced cases can cause the heart pericardium exudate video to expand and soft tissue damage, such as video and ribs.

For suspicious of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, CT check the most useful. Hydrothorax cytology also contribute to the diagnosis. Routine laboratory tests, some patients may have more platelets, serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), such as elevated. For routine examination not clear diagnosis can be done pleural thoracoscopic biopsy. General most patients can have access diagnosis.

The treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, is still no effective cure methods. Treatment, a palliative treatment, surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation treatment, the tumor is generally believed that the relative limitations of the stage I patients, so radical that the pleural pneumonectomy. For Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ of patients, radical surgery has no meaning, only the purposes of palliative surgery. In fact, most of the patients to the disease diagnosis, is in Phase II above. The rapid growth in patients with pleural effusion often leads to serious breathing difficulties, palliative surgery for advanced patients improve their quality of life of great significance. Thoracic into the past use of chemotherapy drugs, such as pleural effusion or dissipated to pleural adhesions blocking the way often to be ineffective.

Pleural mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma is pleural primary tumor, there are limitations of (mostly benign) and diffuse (all malignant)
Points. Which diffuse malignant mesothelioma to the chest tumor one of the worst prognosis. Most of the patients in the 40-70 age group who are
Among men than women.

The first symptoms of chest pain, coughing and shortness of breath was the most common. Have a fever, sweating or joint pain symptoms mainly v.
Persons. About half of patients over a large number of pleural effusion with severe shortness of breath. No large pleural effusion, chest pain often more drama
Ranariddh, weight loss common. Ordinary X-ray found that pleural effusion, and lung tumor was wrapped, late
Case period may have caused the hearts of cardiac exudate video to expand and soft tissue damage, such as video and ribs.

For suspicious of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, CT check the most useful. Hydrothorax cytology also help attendance
Off. Routine laboratory tests, some patients may have more platelets, serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) increased
And so on. For routine examination not clear diagnosis can be done pleural thoracoscopic biopsy. General most patients can
This was the diagnosis.

The treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, is still no effective cure methods. Treatment, a palliative
Treatment, surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation treatment, the tumor is generally believed that the relative limitations of the Phase I
, So radical that the pleural pneumonectomy. For Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ of patients, radical surgery has no significance
, The only purposes of palliative surgery. In fact, most of the patients to the disease diagnosis, is in Phase II to
On. The rapid growth in patients with pleural effusion often leads to serious breathing difficulties, palliative surgery to improve their night
Of the patient's quality of life of great significance. Thoracic into the past use of chemotherapy drugs, such as pleural effusion or dissipated to pleural
Adhesions blocking the way often to be ineffective.

Peritoneal mesothelioma
Peritoneal mesothelioma is the primary peritoneal mesothelial cells in the tumor. Clinical performance is not characteristic, common symptoms
And signs are: abdominal pain, ascites, abdominal distention and abdominal mass, and so on. Peritoneal mesothelioma about all cases of mesothelioma
20 percent, occurred in 2-92 years old, the average age is 54 years, of which about 63 percent of the cases in the 45 --
Between the 64-year-old, the sick child rare.
Clinical performance
1. Abdominal pain, abdominal distention, ascites, abdominal mass, 2. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, 3. Sluggish
Fever, weight loss, anemia, 4. Hypoglycemia, diffuse abdominal ossification, 5. If the merger other parts of peritoneal mesothelioma
Mesothelioma, the transfer of other organs and complications of corresponding performance.

1. Abdominal pain, abdominal distention, ascites, abdominal mass of patients, in particular, have a history of exposure to asbestos, 2. Imaging examination peritoneal
A thin sheet of tumor signs and ascites, 3. Exfoliative cytology ascites, 4. Peritoneal biopsy, laparoscopy and laparotomy
From the Organization for exploration and pathological examination can be confirmed.

Peritoneal mesothelioma originated in the epithelium and peritoneal mesothelial organizations, to asbestos dust pathogenic substances, some of the virus may also
The reason is the cause mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma pathology can be divided into: adenomatoid tumors, cystic mesothelioma and malignant
Paper: Three. Peritoneal mesothelioma clinical manifestations are not specific, the inspection positive rate is not high, specificity is not strong,
Clinical diagnosis very difficult. With laparoscopy, ultrasound and CT-guided biopsy technology and the development of
Pathology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy raising the level of diagnosis, an increasing number of cases received during his lifetime or that of the former
It's pathology. Peritoneal mesothelioma mainly with tuberculosis peritonitis, intra-abdominal cancer metastasis, the other in the abdomen
Film omentum identification of the tumor.

Pleural mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma (Pleural mesothe lioma) more from pleural mesothelial cells or connective tissue under the pleura, occurred in the pleural layer and the visceral cancer, is divided into localized diffuse pleural mesothelioma and pleural mesothelial Tumor. More sources of information (click) and more localized pleural mesothelioma as a single hair, size, color gray, with nodular into the pleural cavity, wide at the bottom, the entire surface of relatively light or ingredients fronds, Of more tenacious. This type of tumor in different cases in the larger difference between the speed of development, individual cases have developed very rapidly. Many cases associated with pleural effusion, and often bloody. Diffuse pleural mesothelioma performance for the pleura as a tenacious, often by more than 0.5 cm in thickness of different tumor replaced by the off-white. Jiejie a tumor-like surface, often cracked Shenru lung, pericardium or parcels. Irregular in some places, large clumps form, compressed lung, and pleura was compacted side of the state, which has seriously affected the lung ventilation. Tumor invasion, it may undermine ribs, sometimes even penetrating the brain muscle invasive liver.

It is reported abroad, the cause of pleural mesothelioma and occupational related to inhalation of asbestos dust. South Africa produced by the Green asbestos can cause human skin cancer.

This disease as the medical "hanging drink", "coughing", "Xiongpi", "chest pain" areas.


(1) limitations of pleural mesothelioma can occur in younger patients. Early symptoms of multiple obvious. Those with larger tumors or pleural effusion, there are varying degrees of chest pain, shortness of breath or cough, or fatigue, weight loss, night sweats and other symptoms. Some patients have pulmonary mast Osteoarthropathy and clear-like fingers (toe).

(2) shortness of breath, chest pain is diffuse pleural mesothelioma of the main symptoms. With the rapid growth of bloody pleural effusion, the condition may be deteriorating rapidly. Some other common symptoms as fatigue, losing weight.

Limited treatment of mesothelioma

Surgical excision is the only means of treatment, the removal of the so thoroughly and as soon as possible suitable.

Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.

Surgical excision is the only means of treatment, with the scope to complete, as soon as possible and suitable. Although due to the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low-grade, recurrence, transfer, often with complete cure. So the prognosis is good.

Limitations of mesothelioma

Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.


Present tumor although benign, but potentially malignant or low-grade.


Clinical and X-ray findings of the lack of specificity, easily misdiagnosed as encapsulated fluid, Tuberculosis-lung, chest wall and mediastinal tumors, such as. In B-or CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, or in thoracoscope the number of open heart biopsy has confirmed the value.


Surgical excision is the only means of treatment, the removal of the so thoroughly and as soon as possible suitable. Although due to the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low-grade, recurrence, transfer, often cured completely removed. So the prognosis is good.

[Pathological changes:

Often from the dirty floor of the pleura, or between the pleura. Duocheng round or oval-shaped Huihuang Se solid nodules. Surface smooth, mild-leaf, a capsule. Tumor size ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to several centimeters, may occupy the side of the chest. Pleural tumor contact with the broad, convex to the pleural cavity; few short stem-based connected with the pleura, the change in position when the mass mobile. By the Organization of spindle cell and collagen fibers from intertwined, in glass-like change and calcification.


Onset occult, asymptomatic early and more often in the physical examination or X-ray examination found. Tumors grow up they have symptoms of oppression, a chest Duntong, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness, and so on. Pleural effusion rare. Patients with the relevant section of individual pain, pestle-like refers to the performance and low blood sugar. X-ray for the isolation of the spherical or hemispherical pieces shadow, density, a clear edge, and sometimes mildly that the fronds.

What is the limitations of mesothelioma

Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.

Although this benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low grade.

Often from the dirty floor of the pleura, or between the pleura. Duocheng round or oval-shaped solid Huihuang Se nodules. Surface smooth, mild-leaf, a capsule. Tumor size ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to several centimeters, may occupy the side of the chest. Pleural tumor contact with the broad, convex to the pleural cavity; few short stem-based connected with the pleura, the change in position when the mass mobile. By the Organization of spindle cell and collagen fibers from intertwined, in glass-like change and calcification.