Jul 22, 2008

Revelation of premature ovarian failure inspection

Karyotype was 46, xx. Low blood estrogen levels (often less than 20 pg / ml), increased blood FSH and LH, FSH higher than the earlier rise in LH.

Karyotype was 46, xx. Low blood estrogen levels (often less than 20 pg / ml), increased blood FSH and LH, FSH higher than the earlier rise in LH. Normal blood prolactin. Estrogen dismantling regular blood test was positive. Biopsy of ovarian follicles are found there, it's likely that the lack of ovarian FSH receptor, the lack of response to gonadotropin, this situation is not as sensitive ovarian syndrome. As ovarian syndrome is not sensitive rare, but very little chance of pregnancy, it does not generally advocate ovarian biopsy. For conditions, can detect ovarian tissue antibody and anti-adrenal cortex antibodies to detect the autoimmune disease.

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