Oct 31, 2008

Diffuse malignant mesothelioma


Until today, for malignant pleural mesothelioma Shangfu effective treatment, but after treatment in one way or another, have a small number of patients live at home and abroad over 5 years, up to 22 years, most people think may be related to natural tumor survival And the stage. Butchart by stages, malignant pleural mesothelioma is divided into four phases (Table 1).

According to the clinical manifestations, ⅰ period E-malignant pleural mesothelioma may have long-term survival, it is suggested that these patients for radical resection of lung pleura. On ⅱ, ⅲ ⅳ period and the E-pathology and other types of cases, both dead and the government to adopt radical or palliative operation and the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy effect or not, after treatment the survival curve is basically the same, the average survival time of 18 months, about 10% of the cases have been living for 3 years.

Table 1 malignant pleural mesothelioma clinical stage of tumor confined to the period ⅰ parietal pleura, the only side involved pleura, lung, pericardium and mediastinal tumor invasion period ⅱ chest wall or mediastinal structures involved, that is, esophagus, heart and the opposite pleura. Only in the chest lymph node involvement (n2) ⅲ period of peritoneal tumor through the diaphragm involved, violations of the opposite pleura and chest bilateral, involving the lymph nodes in the chest outside ⅳ period of blood-borne distant bone metastases

1. Palliative treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, needle aspiration will occur very soon after, with chemical agents into the pleural cavity, resulting in pleural adhesions, the majority of patients with pleural effusion under control, so pleurodesis If it fails or To be in line diagnosis of the patient's chest, should consider doing pleural endarterectomy.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma can puncture holes along, the home of the chest and thoracic incision channel disseminated, but the skin caused by sediment rarely cause symptoms and therefore do not have treatment, if given the treatment of patients, which can also serve as subcutaneous nodules Observation of the efficacy of indicators.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma patients with chest pain is the most difficult to deal with the symptoms, particularly in the late, sustained non-stop all day, without radiation reaction, should be given enough sedative analgesics, including opiates agents in order to alleviate pain, a peaceful transition to life in the last moment .

2. There are a variety of surgical treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma surgery, is the first expansion of pleural pneumonectomy, that is radical resection of the involved were part of the chest wall, the whole lung, diaphragm, mediastinal and pericardial. This procedure applies only to ⅰ period features E-malignant pleural mesothelioma cases. Serious heart and lung damage is contraindication of this technique. 4 intercostal do a standard posterolateral thoracotomy incision will be tough and pleural thickening of the wall and the tumor nodules together, blunt dissection from the chest wall, this will cause extensive bleeding, oppression, and electrocautery Carefully suturing completely stop bleeding. Then, mediastinal pleura from the top of the hilar separated from the trachea removal of lymph nodes. In front of the apex in the level of internal mammary artery ligation and vein, the former chest wall and the removal of these blood vessels and pleura can be seen all along the lymph nodes. In the back, the removal protuberans trachea and esophagus next to the area lymph nodes. From behind the left side of the corresponding part of the pericardial incision. At this point decided to cut lung resection or first diaphragm, which depends on the order of the tumor site and its extension. Cross-sectional and hilar vascular and bronchial and treatment as any in the pericardial (of expansion) as pneumonectomy. Unlike the lower part of the pleura diaphragm low as can be free in the pleura, the outer fold in the lower part of the pleura diaphragm removed. In order to fully exposed, there are generally the same side in the 8 to 10 for the 2nd intercostal incision. As a result of surgery patients in the home side, the removal of the diaphragm, the liver tends to shift to the mediastinum, the oppression of the inferior vena cava, resulting in heart rate and blood flow obstacles. After the removal of the diaphragm, the defect can be used maxlex network Dilun or silica material to repair, it was used to repair spinal. No matter which materials and technology, must not be missed tight to prevent the effusion of blood or chest by the farmers would flow into the abdominal cavity; should be used for suture, the diaphragm will be a substitute for a strong suture remnants of the edge of the diaphragm, so that intra-abdominal organs can not be Into the hernia or into the chest cavity. Guan chest chest tube should be connected to the suction device to attract. To expand pleura of the lung resection surgery mortality rate of 10% to 25%, but the effect is no less than pleural resection, and therefore does not recommend wider use.

The second measure surgeon for the treatment of pleural resection, non-radical surgery, the tumor often tired following their lungs. This surgery does not improve patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma survival, but seems to be able to control the pleural effusion, to improve the patient's quality of life. In addition, the malignant pleural mesothelioma caused by chest pain, and sometimes in remission after removal of the pleura, the membrane static suspected malignant mesothelioma cases, intended for the diagnosis of thoracic biopsy should be considered at the same time do pleural resection. There are a large number of pleural effusion, and chemical pleurodesis failure of the case, it may consider doing pleural resection. From the above, the pleural resection is a palliative operation, with the aim of parietal pleura and the removal of some of the visceral pleura, to prevent the recurrence of pleural effusion and reduce the symptoms of chest pain. General rule for the 6th intercostal posterolateral thoracotomy incision, blunt or sharp-free by wall and part of the tumor involvement of the visceral pleura, respectively, from the chest wall and lungs removed after the separation, this will cause a result of heat caused by spinal cord or arm Plexus damage to the spine in the peri-top chest to remove the tumor, it is best to use high-frequency argon knife. In particular to be careful to keep at the top of the chest and mediastinum area of nerves and blood vessels, as far as possible to remove the tumor, to reduce its volume, in favor of postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Chi Bi surgery closed thoracic drainage suction.

3. Anthracycline chemotherapy agents are considered effective for malignant pleural mesothelioma, followed by cisplatin, mitomycin C, cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil, methotrexate, Vindesine, and so on, the current use of , Anthracycline-based chemotherapy integrated. In recent years, the statistics at home and abroad in order to adriamycin-based chemotherapy, with a total effective rate was 20%, of which Afghanistan is good new alkali (cao); non-anthracycline treatment of a variety of general efficiency 21% of which is better mitomycin plus cisplatin (mp). Cisplatin increase the dose methotrexate. Chemotherapy continued until did not aggravate the disease so far.
4. Radiotherapy external radiation therapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma is very disappointing, but the expansion of external radiation therapy is considered effective, can alleviate some of the cases of chest pain and control of pleural effusion, but the disease itself has no ill effects. 40gy in vitro exposure to more than palliative effect, 50 ~ 55gy irradiation remission rate of 67%, a small number of patients survive 5 years, but almost all patients still die of recurrence or metastasis.

Brachytherapy on a small number of malignant pleural mesothelioma have a reaction, and a small number of patients with long-term effect, it appears that there is a ray of hope. The main use of radioactive isotope is gold, covered with serous cavity of the cell have affinity, particularly suitable for the treatment of diffuse tumors, such as mesothelioma. The main effect of treatment as a result of the radioactive β plasmid, and its ability to penetrate up to 2 ~ 3mm, for the most effective cancer early, it is difficult to find early cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Application of colloidal gold 198 years ago into the pleural cavity, there is live over 5 years a small number of cases because of difficulties in protection, at present there are only a few applications.

Comprehensive treatment and surgery or radiation isotope 132i, 192ir, 32p and the cavity after implantation of radiation plus chemotherapy in vitro, and other measures are no long-term cure.

5. Comprehensive treatment in recent years, integrated treatment measures in the pleural pneumonectomy letter cap and chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide 600mg/m2, Adriamycin 60mg/m2,, cisplatin 75600mg/m2, continuous treatment with 5 Each course of treatment interval of 3 weeks). After the original tumor site or location of the residual tumor 55gy for in vitro irradiation. Analysis of 53 cases of patients to receive treatment, the perioperative complication rate of 17%, 5.8% operative mortality. The average survival time of 16 months (1 to 8). 31 cases of patients with E-1, 2, 3-year survival rate was 7%, 50% and 2%; and mixed-sarcoma patients 1, 2-year survival rate after 4.5% and 7.5%, none of living Over 25 months. Local mediastinal lymph node metastasis survival time than those without lymph node short, E-lymph node-negative, the 5-year survival rate was 45%, so early treatment is important.


All types of asbestos fibers, and almost all of the pathogenesis of mesothelioma, but the danger of fiber self-sufficiency is not the same, is the most dangerous Qingshi contact with asbestos, the danger is minimal contact with asbestos Huang. First contact with asbestos-induced disease incubation period is generally between 20 to 40 years, the incidence of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure time and in direct proportion to the seriousness of.

In the atmosphere, such as hair zeolite content, such people inhalation of silica zeolite powder, which can cause mesothelioma. Has also been reported after radiation exposure caused by pleural mesothelioma cases from radiation exposure was found to suffer from pleural mesothelioma time for 7 to 36 years, an average of 16 years. Nitrosamines, glass fiber, hydrocyanic acid, thorium oxide, beryllium and other lung diseases (such as tuberculosis and chemical substances and lipid aspiration pneumonia), can lead to pleural mesothelioma.

Oct 17, 2008

Peritoneal mesothelioma

Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, also known as primary peritoneal mesothelioma, is the origin and peritoneal mesothelium cell tumor of the organization. This rare disease than pleural mesothelioma, slightly higher than the male of female. And the cause of asbestos exposure, the incidence of contact with a long interval, often more than 30 years. Benign mesothelioma often single, located in the fallopian tubes, uterus at the top of the peritoneum, rarely seen in other parts of the body. Malignant mesothelioma is often diffuse, covering all or part of the peritoneum.


1. A history of unexplained abdominal pain question, abdominal distension and gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal pain can be expressed as diversification, but the intractable abdominal pain is a common feature of. The high incidence of ascites in more than 90%, may be in a short period of abdominal pain after the sudden appearance of ascites, ascites, but can also occur in the early alone. Amount of ascites and more stubborn. Body in a fairly long time, very few changes in appetite can be maintained, no weight, no fever, can sometimes occur spontaneously hypoglycemia. Can be accompanied by chest pain, difficulty breathing, coughing, and other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma.

2. Medical examination found that bulging belly or abdomen Frog was, mobility voiced positive; abdominal palpation can reach the size range of single or multiple tumor, the general was not obvious tenderness. As with pleural mesothelioma, pleural effusion can be found positive signs.

3. B laboratory and ultra-CT examination, the thin sheet can be found in tumor images and ascites. For ascites effusion, but also for the courage and uprightness. Ascites, such as hyaluronic acid to increase 120ug/ml, useful for diagnosis. Ascites find new biological value of diagnosis with mesothelioma cells can also be skin cells of ascites in the middle of chromosome analysis, contribute to the diagnosis. Laparoscopic peritoneal found can be seen on the surface covered with plaques and nodules, and biopsy examination can confirm the diagnosis. And the need to pay attention to tuberculous peritonitis, peritoneal metastases with identification.

Oct 15, 2008

How to diffuse mesothelioma treatment?

Until today for malignant pleural mesothelioma have not yet effective treatment, but after treatment in one way or another, have a small number of patients live at home and abroad over 5 years up to 22 years, most people think may be related to natural tumor survival and sub - The relevant period. Butchart according to the stages of malignant pleural mesothelioma is divided into four phases (Table 1).

According to the clinical phase Ⅰ E-malignant pleural mesothelioma may have long-term survival, it is suggested that these patients for radical resection of lung pleura. Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ of the period and E-pathology and other types of cases, both dead and the government to adopt radical or palliative operation and the use of chemotherapy and radiation treatment efficacy or otherwise of the survival curve is basically the same, the average survival time for 18 months About 10% of patients survive beyond the 3-year

Table 1 of malignant pleural mesothelioma clinical stage

Phase Ⅰ tumors confined to the parietal pleura only involved the same side pleura, lung, pericardium and mediastinal

Phase Ⅱ tumor chest wall or structure that is involved mediastinal esophagus, heart and the opposite pleura. Only in the chest lymph node involvement (N2)

Phase Ⅲ tumor through the diaphragm involved pleural and peritoneal violation of the opposite sides in the chest, involving the lymph nodes in the chest outside

Ⅳ period of blood-borne distant bone metastases

1 palliative treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, needle aspiration will occur very soon after, with chemical agents into the pleural cavity caused by pleural adhesions, the majority of patients with pleural effusion under control, so if pleurodesis failure or to be Line diagnostic thoracotomy patients should consider doing pleural endarterectomy.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma can puncture holes along the channel's own chest and thoracic incision disseminated, but the skin caused by sediment rarely cause symptoms and therefore do not have to be given treatment if the treatment of patients, the skin as nodule can also observe the effect Indicators.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma patients with chest pain is the most difficult to deal with the symptoms late in the particularly serious and continuing non-stop all day, without radiation therapy response should be given adequate sedation analgesics, including opiates agents in order to alleviate pain, a peaceful transition to life in the last moment

2 At present, surgical treatment of a variety of surgical treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma, is the first expansion of pleural pneumonectomy, that is radical resection of the involved were part of the chest wall the whole lung, diaphragm, mediastinal and pericardial this procedure applies only to Ⅰ E-period features of malignant pleural mesothelioma cases. Serious heart and lung damage is contraindication of this technique. 4 intercostal do a standard posterolateral thoracotomy incision will be tough and pleural thickening of the wall and the tumor nodules together, blunt chest wall from the spin-off, this can cause extensive bleeding oppression, electrocautery and suturing Carefully complete stop bleeding. And then mediastinal pleura from the top of the hilar separated from the trachea removal of lymph nodes. In front of the apex at the level of internal mammary artery ligation and vein, the former chest wall and the removal of these blood vessels and pleural together all the lymph nodes can be seen in the back, the removal protuberans trachea and esophagus next to the area lymph nodes. From behind the left side of the corresponding part of the pericardial incision at this time decided to cut lung resection or first diaphragm, which depends on the order of the tumor site and its extension. Cross-sectional and hilar vascular and bronchial treatment as any in the pericardial (of expansion) as pneumonectomy. Unlike the lower part of the pleura diaphragm low as can be free in the pleural pleural resection of the lower part of the diaphragm outside the fold. In order to fully exposed, there are generally the same side in the 8 to 10 for the 2nd intercostal incision as a result of surgery patients in the home side, the removal of the diaphragm, tend to the liver from mediastinal shift to the oppression of the inferior vena cava, and lead to heart Obstacles to the flow. Diaphragm defects after the removal of the available network Maxlex Dilun or silica material to repair, it was used to repair spinal. No matter which materials and technology must not be missed tight to prevent the effusion of blood or chest by the farmers would flow into the abdominal cavity; should be used for suture, the diaphragm will be a substitute for a strong suture remnants of the diaphragm so that the edge into the intra-abdominal organs or not Hernia into the chest cavity. Guan chest chest tube should be connected to the suction device to attract. To expand pleura of the lung resection surgery mortality rate of 10% to 25% but the effect is no less than pleural resection, and therefore does not recommend wider use.
The second measure surgeon for the treatment of pleural resection of this non-radical surgery, as a result of the tumor and its often tired following the lungs. This surgery does not improve patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma survival time but it seems able to control the pleural effusion, to improve the patient's quality of life. In addition malignant pleural mesothelioma caused by chest pain, and sometimes in remission after removal of the pleura, the membrane static suspected malignant mesothelioma cases intended for the diagnosis of thoracic biopsy should be considered at the same time do pleural resection. Pleural effusion and a large number of chemical pleurodesis failure of the case, it may consider doing pleural resection. From the surgery is described in the pleural palliative operation, with the aim of parietal pleura and the removal of some of the visceral pleura, pleural effusion to prevent recurrence of symptoms of chest pain and reduce the general rule for the 6th intercostal posterolateral thoracotomy incision, blunt or sharp Free-wall and part of the tumor was extended to the visceral pleura, respectively, from the chest wall and lungs removed after the separation of this cause as a result of heat caused by spinal cord or nerve plexus damage in the spinal peri-top chest to remove the tumor, it is best to use high Argon-frequency knife in particular to be careful to keep at the top of the chest and mediastinum area of nerves and blood vessels, as far as possible to remove the tumor, will help reduce the volume of postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Chi Bi surgery closed thoracic drainage suction.

3 anthracycline chemotherapy agents are considered effective for malignant pleural mesothelioma, followed by cisplatin, mitomycin cyclophosphamide, fluorouracil, methotrexate Vindesine, and so on, the current use, anthracycline Class-based chemotherapy integrated in recent years, statistics at home and abroad in order to adriamycin-based chemotherapy, with a total effective rate was about 20% of which is good new alkali Afghanistan (CAO); non-anthracycline treatment of a variety of The total effective rate of 21%, which is better mitomycin plus cisplatin (MP). Cisplatin increase the dose methotrexate chemotherapy continued until did not aggravate the condition so far.

4 external radiation therapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma radiotherapy very disappointed, but the expansion of external radiation therapy is considered effective, can alleviate some of the cases of chest pain and pleural effusion control of disease but the disease itself has no effect. There are more than 40Gy irradiation in vitro palliative effect, 50 ~ 55Gy irradiation remission rate of 67% of the small number of patients survive 5 years, but almost all patients still die of recurrence or metastasis.

Brachytherapy on a small number of malignant pleural mesothelioma have a reaction and a small number of patients with long-term effect, it appears that there is a ray of hope. The main use of radioactive isotope is covered with gold serous cavity of the cell have affinity, particularly suitable for the treatment of diffuse tumors, such as mesothelioma, the main effect of treatment as a result of the radioactive β plasmid, and its ability to penetrate up to 2 ~ 3mm, for the most effective cancer early, but very difficult to find early cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Application of colloidal gold 198 years ago into the pleural cavity, there is live over 5 years a small number of cases because of difficulties in protection, at present there are only a few applications.

Comprehensive treatment and surgery or radiation isotope 132I192Ir, 32P, as well as cavity after implantation of radiation plus chemotherapy in vitro, and other measures are no long-term cure

5 comprehensive treatment in recent years, integrated treatment measures in the pleural pneumonectomy letter and CAP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide 600mg/m2 Adriamycin 60mg/m2,, cisplatin 75600mg/m2, continuous treatment with 5 per course of treatment Intervals for 3 weeks). After the original tumor site, or residual tumor location for the 55Gy irradiation in vitro. Analysis of 53 cases of patients to receive comprehensive treatment of perioperative complication rate of 17%, 5.8% operative mortality. The average survival time of 16 months (1 to 8 years) 31 cases of patients with E-1, 2, 3-year survival rate was 7% 50% and 2%; and mixed-sarcoma patients after two years of existence Rate of 45% and 7.5%, none survived 25 months there are local mediastinal lymph node metastases survive longer than those without lymph node metastases were short, E-lymph node-negative, the 5-year survival rate was 45% so early treatment is Important.

Oct 14, 2008

Diffuse mesothelioma check what should be done?

Conventional laboratory tests: in the course of the disease can be found thrombocythemia individual platelet reported as high as 1000 × 109 / L, serum CEA in some patients with elevated serum immunoelectrophoresis IgGIgA phenomenon IgM or higher, why not, Normal serum fetoprotein

Pleural effusion are particularly exposed to asbestos in the history of the patient should consider the quality of malignant pleural mesothelioma diagnosis. Chest CT can be diagnosed, the chest CT examination can determine the structure of bone or calcified pleural any damage when the diaphragm and chest wall tumor, the magnetic resonance imaging better than CT (Figure 1). Although pleural effusion cells smear wear chest and pleural effusion cell block biopsy sections can make the diagnosis of malignant, but it can not identify metastatic cancer and malignant pleural mesothelial Liu.
Figure 1 Magnetic resonance: the lower right chest wall malignant pleural mesothelioma

Lower left lung under paragraph dorsal visceral has malignant pleural mesothelioma (surgery confirmed)

In the past 10 years has developed a 3 technology is relatively sure that this will help make a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. 3 This technique is based on periodic acid - Schiff staining liquid to do in order to keratinocytes and CEA for peroxidase immune electron microscope examination and inspection for the purpose of these inspections, the biopsy specimens must be used immediately in sexual music Marin liquid fixed, another small tumor biopsy specimens in the doomed glutaraldehyde solution for the use of electron microscopy

Periodic acid - Schiff stain (PAS) is the only reliable method of chemical organizations can identify malignant pleural mesothelioma and adenocarcinoma, although a variety of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the characteristics are different, but the starch in the digestive enzyme after the strong positive air Bubbles can be diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma and not adenocarcinoma.

Immune peroxidase antibody technology is the use of the role of keratinocytes in protein and CEA (CEA) is also an effective method to distinguish between malignant pleural mesothelioma in metastatic adenocarcinoma. On the CEA for immune peroxidase stain and the stain of malignant pleural mesothelioma generally not very light coloring on the contrary, adenocarcinoma of the middle and strong staining. In addition to immune peroxidase on the keratinocytes study also showed that cancer and mesothelioma have significant differences. 8 have been found signs can be used to identify: tumor glycoprotein 72 (B72.3), Leu-Mi, Vimentin-modulating thrombosis, the sticky protein component, the cancer antigen positive for adenocarcinoma 100% sensitivity and specificity As the CEA often false-negative test, it is the best choice of two tumor markers, in general, such as the use of CEA and B72.3 both positive for adenocarcinoma of the specificity of 100% and 88% sensitivity; if both Negative, mesothelioma 100% and specificity of 97% sensitivity.

Electron microscope examination of the identification of malignant pleural mesothelioma and metastatic adenocarcinoma also use malignant pleural mesothelioma from lung, breast and upper gastrointestinal cancer is the source of its surface microvilli long and thin, and there are branches Wire tension than the rich, no microvilli of the small root-and-chip installed; from ovarian and endometrial metastatic adenocarcinoma of the inherent deformation organizations, including the mucin-rich droplets large number of cilia, intensive nuclear particles, these changes In stromal tumor does not exist adenocarcinoma of the rough and short hair.

Oct 13, 2008

Peritoneal mesothelioma

Overview: What is peritoneal mesothelioma

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Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, also known as primary peritoneal mesothelioma is at the origin of peritoneal mesothelial and epithelial tumors of the Organization of pleural mesothelioma, a rare disease than men slightly higher than the cause of women and the incidence of asbestos-related contacts and contacts between the very Often in the long years of benign mesothelioma as a single more often located in the fallopian tube at the top of the uterus in other parts of rare malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is often diffuse to cover all or part of the peritoneal

Cause: peritoneal mesothelioma caused by reasons

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No information

Symptoms: The clinical performance of peritoneal mesothelioma

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. A history question

Unexplained abdominal pain, bloating and abdominal pain, gastrointestinal disorders may be diversification for the performance of the intractable abdominal pain, but their common feature of the high incidence of ascites in the% may be in a short period of abdominal pain after the sudden appearance of ascites, but ascites Is also available on the early emergence of a separate multi-volume ascites and stubborn body in a fairly long time, very few changes in appetite can be maintained without wasting no fever can sometimes occur spontaneously hypoglycemia can be difficult to cough accompanied by chest pain and respiratory symptoms such as pleural mesothelioma

. Medical examination found

Rana was bulging stomach or abdomen mobility voiced positive; abdominal palpation can reach the size range of single or multiple tumor-like tenderness was not obvious, such as pleural mesothelioma with pleural effusion can be found that the positive signs

, Introduced a complete>>

Inspection: What to do peritoneal mesothelioma should check

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Ultra-B and CT examination can be found in thin sheet, and ascites ascites tumor image for the effusion can be as bloody ascites in hyaluronic acid to increase as ug / ml for the diagnosis of ascites help find new biological mesothelioma cells Diagnosis may also have value among ascites of skin cells contribute to the analysis of chromosomes found Laparoscopic diagnosis of peritoneal can be seen on the surface covered with plaques and nodules biopsy can confirm that inspections should pay attention to the diagnosis of tuberculosis peritonitis and peritoneal metastases with identification

Complications: peritoneal mesothelioma, which will cause complications

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No information

Treatment: The treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma

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As the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not satisfied with some reports in recent years, treatment with Adriamycin% of the cases have extended the deadline to survive but also to the report that was also null and void by the immune treatment as needed to observe progress in the years after diagnosis to death

Oct 12, 2008

Comprehensive treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma new method

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a substantive, local invasive tumors, and is closely related to asbestos exposure. If untreated, its survival in 4-12 months. The tumor on the poor response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, surgery is the most effective treatment. Currently in the United States each year 3,000 new cases of fat in patients with MPM is expected in the United States and Europe, the incidence of the disease at the summit appeared in 2020. The prognosis of the disease depends on the time of diagnosis of the tumor stage, histological type, lymph node status and the margin. Despite the diagnosis often expected to be delayed, but early intervention therapy can improve life expectancy. Loyola University of Chicago Medical Center, Dr. Neragi-Miandoab S for the treatment of the disease were analyzed. The results showed that a single therapy for MPM to change the natural history and to no avail. As a result, medical personnel began to consider a joint operation, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy, the combined treatment. Combination therapy is already showing good results, especially for epithelial tissue, the negative margin and outside the pleura of metastasis in patients with better results. Cisplatin and mitomycin C for control of distant recurrence of the tumor has a certain effect. Research also showed that cisplatin and gemcitabine, as well as the treatment of cisplatin / pemetrexed after 54Gy supporting the use of hemi-thoracic radiation therapy can improve the prognosis

Oct 9, 2008

Mesothelioma treatment

The most common method of mesothelioma treatment include:

Surgical treatment of mesothelioma

The whole operation known as the lungs, pleural mesothelioma, can be used to clear lung disease involved. Extravascular lung pleura, as the spread of the disease may have involved the removal of which part of the diaphragm, and lung. There is such a high surgical risk factors, its viability depends on The patient's overall health, smoking habits and asbestos exposure. Pleura endarterectomy is another type, you can use, here's part of the Community Chest and abdominal lining surrounding tissue may be removed.

Radiotherapy mesothelioma

Radiation therapy, so that treatment does not benefit the disaster area so that the health of cells and tissues, and the other treatment for the treatment of mesothelioma. This is a commonly used method of fast, as well as many types of cancer mesothelioma. Placement of radioactive sources through the affected area and then Sending radiation to kill abnormal cells. Radiation continues to send about a year, working to destroy the tumor. Radiotherapy may be surgery if the patient is not enough to surgery alone.

Chemotherapy in the treatment of mesothelioma

Chemotherapy can be administered in the form of pill or injection. Disadvantage is that chemotherapy drugs can contain high levels of toxicity, so very sick patients. Side effects including nausea, vomiting, hair loss, weight loss, physical fatigue. There are a number of post-secondary chemotherapy drugs, To alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy. Due to the chemotherapy drug, without reference to specific areas to enable them to leave their bodies to find the way to disaster areas. This means that they can affect the cells, the disease can not again cause side effects.

Palliative treatment of mesothelioma (mesothelioma)

Palliative therapy can also be used in patients with mesothelioma. These treatments cause excessive bleeding liquid from the patient through the use of needles, straw. In order to prevent further fluid can be fed through the drug to the chest tube drainage following flow.

Oct 7, 2008

Malignant pleural mesothelioma frequently asked questions

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a particularly lethal form of cancer, the incidence is rising throughout the world. Although malignant pleural mesothelioma with the common tumors such as prostate or breast cancer compared to little attention, but so that patients and their families have paid a heavy price. While traditionally the disease is generally considered non-save, but the trend is changing.

What is malignant pleural mesothelioma?

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a lung cancer of the pleura, or envelope. Because of its location in the body's anatomy, the tumor growth can squeeze the lung and chest located in the middle of the shift anatomy, including the heart and airway. It should be noted that tumor growth can expand the oppression diaphragm so that breathing is restricted dynamics.

What led to the malignant pleural mesothelioma?

Malignant pleural mesothelioma major risk factor for asbestos exposure, many years ago when not yet aware of the dangers of asbestos, many engaged in the transportation, mining and the insulation industry through the work of the people exposed to asbestos fibers, but not only in direct contact with asbestos The men and women, the report showed that through the touch of a relative uniform indirect exposure to asbestos have also taken place in the family of malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Disease manifested How long will it take?

The typical time needed 20-40 years to the performance of malignant pleural mesothelioma have a long incubation period.

How common disease?

The United States each year there are about 3,000 new cases, all in all global annual incidence of about 10000-15000 cases of patients. The disease incidence in the United States may have reached a peak, the main reason the United States in the early 1970s on the issue of the ban on asbestos, but in Europe, to reduce asbestos exposure to the efforts of the backward 10 years, began the destruction of all the cleaning and Asbestos materials were late to work a lot, so will the incidence in 2010 reached a peak in Europe.

In patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma is a typical example of what?

Almost all patients in the initial diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma on with some of the symptoms of cancer - usually severe pain, shortage of breath, fatigue and weight loss. Most of the patients symptoms occur more generally of a sudden and gradual deterioration of the development of up to the bedridden patients and the loss of day-to-day activities.

Stressed the need for mesothelioma is the most serious symptoms of pain, many nerve endings located in the pleura, because of the tumor growth, achieved incredible pain, pain can be so severe that patients often wake up from sleep. In addition, the tumor is located in the lungs - lung cancer squeeze or oppression, restrictions on mobility diaphragm - so that patients can not breathe right.

How to diagnose the disease?

The main result of patients with respiratory symptoms is usually the Bureau of lung doctor, will be x-ray, CT scan and then further to provide x-ray than the more accurate diagnosis, a typical performance envelope thickening of the pulmonary for, up to normal 20 times, generally diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Then, the patient will accept the examination, as a general-assisted thoracic or fine-needle aspiration, through careful observation under a microscope for diagnosis of the organization is not an easy task, histology from the point of view there are 10-20% of the diagnosis of mesothelioma have been misdiagnosed. Combination of CT scanning, organizational diagnosis of cancer doctors to help clear diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Another key is to diagnose disease in stages, that is, what kind of tumor is in progress, unfortunately, 75% of mesothelioma patients with the diagnosis, it was already very late 3 or 4.

What is the traditional treatment plan?

In the past few decades, cancer doctors using a variety of different chemotherapy drugs in patients with the treatment of mesothelioma, but in fact failed to show an effective cancer, chemotherapy or joint use of new drugs targeting the disease for more than 50 clinical Study did not show the extension of survival. So far there is no control, through well-designed studies have shown that the drug can change the course of the disease.

Can choose whether surgery or radiotherapy?

Radiation can be used for pain relief, but it can not be used as an effective treatment option, because of the nature of the disease and other widespread in the chest, the radiation can not focus on a specific target. If you give large areas of the body radiotherapy, adverse reactions will be very serious. On the other hand, is one of the few early surgery patients (I, II period), the only treatment option.

Can the disease be prevented?

The only way to the measures taken to avoid contact with asbestos, asbestos has been removed as a result, we believe that will reduce the incidence of mesothelioma. Of course, some people have this disease susceptibility, but we believe that the environment of asbestos exposure launched a series of cancer-causing incident.

Bishi, and questioned the Chinese brand-name-free system, there are a number of scholars and policy researchers. In the following years, questioned the Chinese brand-name-free system and the elimination of several waves of a few up.

However, the final push in the field of food-free system, the abolition of the Sanlu milk powder incident, three years after