Jul 8, 2008

Diffuse mesothelioma should do what checks

Conventional laboratory: the onset of platelets can be found in the course of individual reports of increased platelet up to 1000 × 109 / L serum CEA increased in some patients immune serum IgM electrophoresis phenomenon IgGIgA or not the reasons for increased serum-fetoprotein Normal

Exudative pleural effusion are particularly exposed to asbestos have a history of the patient should be considered malignant pleural stromal tumor of the skin of the chest CT can confirm the diagnosis chest CT scan can determine if the pleural calcification or bone structure damage when the tumor has violated the diaphragm and chest wall when the magnetic Resonance imaging is better than CT pleural effusion cells smear chest while wearing pleural biopsy and pleural effusion cell block section can make the diagnosis of malignant pleural but we can not identify metastatic carcinoma and malignant skin Liu

Diffuse mesothelioma should be on how to prevent

Asbestos workers suffering from malignant pleural mesothelioma, the average survival time from symptoms to death only 11.4 months in most patients died within 1 year next step should be more scientific and comprehensive treatment of various measures at the same time the development of new technologies in order to find a more effective Pharmaceutical and diagnostic methods for early treatment

Diffuse mesothelioma easily confused with the diseases »

With metastatic adenocarcinoma and diffuse pleural tuberculosis of the identification

Diffuse mesothelioma can be complicated by the diseases »

With asbestos disease can be calm bronchial lung cancer pleural plaque, such as pleural effusion

Diffuse mesothelioma is what causes »

All types of asbestos fibres and almost all of the pathogenesis of mesothelioma related to the fiber of the danger of self-sufficiency is not the same as the most dangerous is asbestos exposure Qing Shi is the smallest risk of contact with the first yellow asbestos exposure to asbestos disease has an incubation period is generally 20 to 40 years the incidence of mesothelioma and exposure to asbestos and the time is proportional to the extent of

Mao in the atmosphere such as zeolite content increased people's exposure to this acid zeolite powder can cause mesothelioma have reported contact with radiation-induced pleural mesothelioma cases from exposure to radiation found suffering from pleural mesothelioma time for the July - 36 Average 16 nitrosamines glass fiber hydrocyanic acid thorium beryllium oxide and other lung diseases (such as tuberculosis and chemical substances and lipid aspiration pneumonia) may lead to pleural mesothelioma