Jul 7, 2008

Credit-based organizations peritoneal mesothelioma

Film mesothelioma (peritoneal mesothelioma) in the primary peritoneal mesothelial organizations and epithelial tumors, clinical rarely see. Pathology, may be divided into adenomatous mesothelioma (adenomatoid mesothelioma), cystic mesothelioma (cystic mesothelioma) and malignant mesothelioma (peritoneal malignant mesothelioma, PMM).

Malignant mesothelioma, also known as "inter-Paper sarcoma." Many occurred in pleural and peritoneal, testicular sheath, the pericardium, the meninges. Men more than women, a ratio of 1.33:1. By location can be divided into two types of limitations and diffuse. Limitations of dioxin can have good points, are diffuse malignant. Peritoneal and pericardium which to diffuse the majority. Low incidence of malignant mesothelioma, clinical rare.

Peritoneal mesothelioma on the organization of three types: E-15 per cent, a guitar-based organization 25%, mixed 60 percent. Peritoneal lesions vertical surface along with the proliferation of invasion growth, less distant metastasis, and more along the serosa spread to adjacent organs, involving the adjacent serous cavity; dual lymphatic metastasis can occur; distant metastasis. More common in hepatopulmonary bone. This case almost all the evil peritoneal mesothelioma CT, no special symptoms, early diagnosis is not easy. The main symptoms were (1) abdominal pain, the general performance of no fixed location for the Duntong. (2) abdominal mass. (3) of the patients had incomplete obstruction. (4) ascites levy is a common signs, most of abdominal distention treatment of ascites. (5) advanced visible fatigue, weight loss, weight loss, and found more than half a year; minimum of 15 days. Surgical adhesions mass organizations not easily removed.

CT findings of its common performance of the following: (1) ascites, the number of ranges, often bloody. (2) peritoneal diffuse thickening, thickening of the retina and increased density of the film, and some may have calcification, vascular shadow of the membrane between fuzzy. (3) nodule or mass formation, in the nodules under the shadow of ascites background more clearly, especially liver spleen edge margin of more obvious. (4) of the retina or the film was mass-Mi cakes, mesenteric rigid and contraction was stellate radiation, fixed Enterovirus song on a fan-shaped distribution. But not its unique, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and mesenteric lymphoma can be violated by a similar change

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