Jul 25, 2008

Uterine fibroids is not terrible

Generally speaking, in accordance with the age of patients with clinical symptoms, fibroids size, location and the patients sought to ascertain the fertility treatment: those of small fibroids, asymptomatic or mild symptoms in women, can carry out regular inspection (3-6 months Done on the B-1), the understanding of fibroids the size of change and growth rate.

Often in daily life due to Irregular Menstruation some women, menstruation or without the extension of the bleeding and went to the hospital for an examination, was diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Some women usually do not have any symptoms, but in the long medical examination found that uterine fibroids. This unexpected bad news, so that these women often difficult to accept, at a loss. In fact, uterine fibroids are the most common gynecological a benign disease, 30 women over the age of 20 percent of the people suffering from varying degrees of uterine fibroids, the development has been slow fibroids, also rarely malignant lesions

, And it will postmenopausal women with the arrival of gradually shrinking, so long uterine fibroids is not terrible.

However, not terrible is not equivalent to let matters drift. The need for treatment and how treatment should be a concrete analysis of specific situations. Generally speaking, in accordance with the age of patients with clinical symptoms, fibroids size, location and the patients sought to ascertain the fertility treatment: those of small fibroids, asymptomatic or mild symptoms in women, can carry out regular inspection (3-6 months Done on the B-1), the understanding of fibroids the size of change and growth rate, and effective treatment of choice of 12 kinds of Chinese patent medicine, taking a longer time to control the development of fibroids. If excessive menstrual volume, with a blood clot, menstrual extended, and even secondary anemia, the medicine must be in the conservative treatment to reduce bleeding, menstrual adjustment to correct anemia. If drug treatment is invalid or the number of fibroids, larger fibroids, uterine size of more than 12 weeks of pregnancy, will have to consider surgery.

Surgery under way need to arrange specific circumstances: the young women of childbearing general use of myomectomy, to retain the uterus, does not affect future fertility, while 40-year-old has the fertility of women, with conventional uterus to prevent recurrence. Before and after surgery can be treated with medicine, in order to restore the body.

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