Jul 20, 2008

About Nutrition tumor

Nutrition is a tumor of the nutrition methods and theories, is a tumor prevention and treatment of a new subject.
Cancer patients in malnutrition and weight loss are many reasons for the main reasons include: reducing consumption, metabolic disorders, such as increased acute inflammatory response. Since surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and other anti-cancer therapy can cause cancer patients to reduce the consumption, the tumor itself is the cause of the digestive tract obstruction, and so often is to reduce the consumption of one of the reasons why. As the tumor of the evil of the pathogenesis of the constant awareness, it was discovered that cancer patients malnutrition through ordinary means and method of nutritional support is often difficult to correct, but must be stressed that nutritional support for cancer patients at the same time the abnormal metabolism to regulate.

Nutritional support methods can be divided into Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition support the two technologies. The use of nutritional support in principle is that when gastrointestinal function well and can be safely used, the preferred means of enteral nutrition, enteral nutrition with physical, are cheap, easy to operate, and more suitable for family nutrition support the launching. Enteral nutrition through the use of general oral, nasal feeding, stomach stoma and jejunostomy, and so many ways. When cancer patients gastrointestinal dysfunction, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy lead to serious gastrointestinal side effects, surgery led to short bowel syndrome, abdominal, pelvic lead to cancer metastasis extensive intestinal obstruction, the use of enteral nutrition was not possible. At this time, through the intravenous route parenteral nutrition support is the main choice. Cancer patients within the family nutrition support the implementation and development in recent years have also been people's attention. For further improve the quality of life of cancer patients, reduce the cost of treatment, nutritional support technology within the family plays an important role.

In the application of nutritional support cancer patients in the course of a confused, that is, nutritional support will promote tumor cell growth. Some previous animal experiments found that tumors in mice support the use of parenteral nutrition can promote tumor cell growth, but in clinical cancer patients in the study, few results show that parenteral or enteral nutrition can promote tumor cell. It is encouraging that in recent years, some research shows that the use of immune nutrients, not only do not promote tumor cell growth, but inhibit tumor cell growth, has made some anti-tumor treatment effect. In addition, these nutrients play in the anti-tumor therapeutic effect, no chemotherapy drug caused serious side effects, this is also stimulate the people more and more attention to nutrition in the treatment of cancer one of the important reasons.

At present areas of concern, pain control is to improve the quality of life of cancer patients of the importance, but we also call attention to the control of pain in the same time, they should attach importance to cancer patients of the nutrition problem, because malnutrition will significantly impact The prognosis of cancer patients, leading to the survival of cancer patients shorten the time.

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