Jul 21, 2008

Pleural mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma (Pleural mesothe lioma) more from pleural mesothelial cells or connective tissue under the pleura, occurred in the pleural layer and the visceral cancer, is divided into localized diffuse pleural mesothelioma and pleural mesothelial Tumor. More sources of information (click) and more localized pleural mesothelioma as a single hair, size, color gray, with nodular into the pleural cavity, wide at the bottom, the entire surface of relatively light or ingredients fronds, Of more tenacious. This type of tumor in different cases in the larger difference between the speed of development, individual cases have developed very rapidly. Many cases associated with pleural effusion, and often bloody. Diffuse pleural mesothelioma performance for the pleura as a tenacious, often by more than 0.5 cm in thickness of different tumor replaced by the off-white. Jiejie a tumor-like surface, often cracked Shenru lung, pericardium or parcels. Irregular in some places, large clumps form, compressed lung, and pleura was compacted side of the state, which has seriously affected the lung ventilation. Tumor invasion, it may undermine ribs, sometimes even penetrating the brain muscle invasive liver.

It is reported abroad, the cause of pleural mesothelioma and occupational related to inhalation of asbestos dust. South Africa produced by the Green asbestos can cause human skin cancer.

This disease as the medical "hanging drink", "coughing", "Xiongpi", "chest pain" areas.


(1) limitations of pleural mesothelioma can occur in younger patients. Early symptoms of multiple obvious. Those with larger tumors or pleural effusion, there are varying degrees of chest pain, shortness of breath or cough, or fatigue, weight loss, night sweats and other symptoms. Some patients have pulmonary mast Osteoarthropathy and clear-like fingers (toe).

(2) shortness of breath, chest pain is diffuse pleural mesothelioma of the main symptoms. With the rapid growth of bloody pleural effusion, the condition may be deteriorating rapidly. Some other common symptoms as fatigue, losing weight.

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