Jul 21, 2008

Polycystic ovary syndrome amenorrhea performance

PCOS of the feedback mechanism by the sex hormone disorders caused by the syndrome. Its cause is not yet clear, that is no ovulation ovarian continued the final outcome.

PCOS of the feedback mechanism by the sex hormone disorders caused by the syndrome. Its cause is not yet clear, that is no ovulation ovarian continued the final outcome.

Clinical performance summed up as follows:

First, menstrual disorders: mainly amenorrhea, for the vast majority of secondary amenorrhea, amenorrhea before menstruation often scarce or too little, menstruation and menopause occasionally there are too many alternative.

Second, infertility: is usually after the onset of menarche, married with infertility, menstrual disorders and as a result of ovulation.

Third, after more than adolescent gross levy: Jiaonong such as the eyebrows, upper lip, lower limbs, genital and perianal increase in the gross, or with masculine, such as acne and clitoris mast. This is because due to excessive androgen production.

4. Acanthosis nigricans levy: This is another of androgen excess signs, often in patients with back, neck, armpits and groin, etc. skin color Hui Hese home calmly, with symmetry, Qingfu such as velvet.

5, bilateral ovarian increase: about than 1-3 times the normal ovary, the package thickness, quality and resilience.

6, based on a single-phase body temperature.

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