Jul 28, 2008

Mast from the uterus is what causes

(A) more maternal chronic uterine involution incomplete: more women within the myometrium in elastic fibers and vascular smooth muscle of the uterus caused hyperplasia around the mast

(B) of ovarian dysfunction: estrogen can stimulate the sustained muscle hypertrophy of the uterus on the common features of bleeding in patients with longer duration in particular has a different degree of increased uterine

(C) cause inflammation: Annex chronic pelvic inflammation of connective tissue inflammation and chronic myositis caused uterine myometrium collagen fibers within the uterine fibrosis hyperplasia

(D) pelvic connective tissue proliferation of uterine bleeding caused by uterine hypertrophy can be

(5) myometrium vascular sclerosis: primary vascular diseases, such as uterine

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