Jul 28, 2008

Tubal pregnancy is what causes

A tubal chronic inflammation due to endometriosis Salpingitis tubal inflammation of the fallopian tubes narrow formation of adhesions or tubal twists and turns around so often inflammatory adhesions salpingitis Yunluan disruption caused not only shape the changes and the fallopian tube defect tubal endometrial cilia often affect their ability to wiggle Yunluan transitional

Two tubal dysplasia or stunted, deformed tubal wall of muscle fiber of poor or lack of endometrial cilia its lack of form than normal fallopian tubes and small bending a thin spiral longer than normal to abnormal development of a porous diverticulum double-mouth or otherwise of a tubal Agenesis of the fallopian tubes as vice tubal

Three of the fallopian tubes endometriosis endometrial tissue can be penetrated between the fallopian tubes so that the Department of the Ministry of interstitial thickening lumen stenosis, or if one of the reasons for tubal pregnancy in the fallopian tube was raised different ovarian pelvic endometriosis of the fertilized eggs There may be some role-induced chemokine fertilized eggs in a location other than the intrauterine implantation

4 pelvic tumor oppression or traction can tubal thinning longer circuitous twists and turns through the obstacles Yunluan

Five of ectopic pregnancy and birth control measures intrauterine device will cause ectopic pregnancy is a concern and controversial issue in 1965 Li Pu first report of the IUD users a higher degree of ectopic pregnancy Most scholars believe that the IUD can be inert or activity Effective prevention of intrauterine pregnancy to prevent some of tubal pregnancy and can not prevent ovarian pregnancy at home and abroad in recent years with the incidence of ectopic pregnancy is significantly increased

Sterilization-new umbrella after a technical error, and so can be a tubal pregnancy

6 ectopic pregnancy Chlamydia infection is a major factor alone when chlamydia antibody titers 1:16 for the relative risk of 3.0 compared with 2.91 titer 1:64

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