Jul 28, 2008

What is cervical mast

Cervical mast is a chronic cervicitis. As pathogen infection of cervical mucous membrane caused by inflammatory changes. Cause cervical mast pathogens have mycoplasma, chlamydia, bacteria, viruses, I suggest you do to a hospital gynaecological examination of cervical secretions, according to inspection results, symptomatic treatment. Cervical TCT, if necessary, to do the inspection, from the early cervical cancer. A simple cervical mast will not affect the pregnancy, but severe cervicitis, can cause endometritis, tubal ovarian inflammation, tubal adhesions, obstruction, resulting in infertility infertility.

The main reason is caused by:

(1) to stimulate long-term chronic inflammation, cervical congestion, edema, cervical glands and stromal hyperplasia resulting in various degrees of cervical mast.

(2) in the deep cervical glands may arise mucus retention, ranging from the size of a cyst, cervical become mast.

Cervical mast sometimes greater than normal cervical 2 to 4 times that of cervical surface can be smooth, may have erosion. Cervical general hard texture, which is caused by the proliferation of connective tissue fibers.

Cervical mast general do not need treatment, if there is erosion, can cure cervical erosion.


1, physical therapy for moderate and severe erosion, is the effect of better treatment methods as soon as possible, generally only once to cure.

1) of electricity, iron and ironing erosion of the first contact so that the tissue coagulation, a callus skin, about two weeks after the start shedding skin scab, wound healing normally takes six to eight weeks. Surgery should be menstrual net after three to five days. Yan, Jiyong Annex. Leucorrhea after treatment can be temporarily increased or bleeding. If more bleeding can be disinfected gauze pressure to stop bleeding, 24 hours after removal. Deficiency is sometimes due to scar contraction of cervical stenosis.
2) frozen with liquid nitrogen therapy rapid cooling device, placed in the probe erosion of 1 to 3 minutes, and after rewarming removed so that the lesions frozen necrosis. After treatment can be two to three weeks out of a lot of water discharge. Advantage is less bleeding and cervical stenosis occurred.

3) laser treatment laser charring Jiejia organizations to erosion, the healing process with the first two treatment methods.
Postoperative physical therapy, more than a large number of yellow water samples from the vagina Leucorrhea outflow of varying duration, should maintain genital cleansing, generally takes six to eight weeks to recover. In the wounds have not yet fully healed, should be avoided bath, wash and vaginal intercourse. After a review every week to observe the healing. Note whether cervical stenosis, if any, can be gently probe expansion.

2, drug therapy applied to mild erosion, as follows:

1) 10 to 30 percent silver nitrate solution or 10% Cotton stick with iodine-affected area carefully coated with silver nitrate, should be applied to normal saline so that the extra silver nitrate become corrosive silver chloride. 2 times a week, four to six times for treatment, if necessary, repeat.

2) use of potassium dichromate James Cotton carefully hand-affected area, in the period after the net on the drug once, in the next after repeat, the greater the erosion surface, and sometimes effective. Tuyao ago, the first by 0.1 percent Bromogeramine Shijing cervical mucus, after the dome home cotton ball two, anti-drug burn down vaginal mucous membrane. Albert took out after the cotton ball, and then 75 percent alcohol Cotton Kaishituyao (formula: K2Cr2O7 10 g, concentrated sulfuric acid 75 ml, add water to 100 ml).

3, surgery on cervical mast, the erosion of Shenguang and involving the neck, and (or) suspected malignant, for cervical cone removed. The organization sent to all of the seizure. This method smaller scars, after cervix to maintain the status quo.

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