Jul 22, 2008

Anovulatory polycystic ovary

Ovulation is generally believed that women with polycystic ovary obstacle is the outer layer of ovarian tunica albuginea Houer dense, mature eggs, unable to break through the dense Houer tunica albuginea: the final part of ovulation, but has exceeded 15 days, from the egg is cooked too .

Ovarian surface coating layer tunica albuginea, physical circumstances, one egg a month from tunica albuginea Below the germinal layer gradually develop into follicle, finally broke through tunica albuginea into the pelvic cavity, a process called ovulation. Development from egg to mature normally takes 13-15 days in advance from the immature egg, from the mistake after a cooked eggs, are not fertilized.

Anovulatory polycystic ovary is generally believed that there are two reasons: 1, is the outer layer of ovarian tunica albuginea Houer dense, mature eggs, unable to break through the dense Houer tunica albuginea: the final part of ovulation, but has exceeded 15 days , From the egg is cooked too; part of the final tunica albuginea also failed to break through ovulation, not called on the breakdown of luteinized Syndrome (LUFS). 2, a number of eggs at the same time, ovulation period to a mature egg is not, can not ovulation. This is also the menstrual cycle in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome long, lean period of pathological reasons. Occasionally from a mature egg, also pregnant, so called polycystic ovary syndrome of difficult pregnancy.

The most effective treatment is laparoscopic ovarian drilling operation, after ovarian tunica albuginea thinning, eggs from easy, pregnancy is a natural thing.

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