Jul 22, 2008

Ovarian cysts care and treatment

Conduct regular surveys, often to detect ovarian tumors. Once a clear diagnosis of early surgery. To malignant ovarian tumor surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and other treatment.

Ovarian cysts are common diseases gynecology, can occur at any age for women, more common in women aged 20-50. Mostly benign. In young girls and postmenopausal women, often vicious, should pay attention. As in the pelvic cavity, ovary, multiple tumors early asymptomatic, early detection is not easy; cancer when found, tend to have an advanced, the cure rate is lower.

Second, treatment:

1, chemical treatment: the malignant ovarian tumor, in addition to surgery, chemotherapy can be supplemented with drug treatment.

2, surgical treatment: surgery wound to the abdomen, action should be gentle, so as to complete removal of tumor.

3, radiation treatment: radiation therapy after surgery often as the adjuvant treatment of patients with advanced or so of income for the residual swelling faster than 2 cm in diameter are more appropriate.

Third, prevention and self-care:

1, the regular census, often to detect ovarian tumors. Once a clear diagnosis of early surgery. To malignant ovarian tumor surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and other treatment.

2, follow-up observation: less than 5 cm in diameter of the cyst may be non-repeat naturally cysts, most are free to disappear, but the need for regular follow-up, if immediate surgery should be increased.

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