Jul 22, 2008

Yang premature ovarian failure with enhanced governance

Ovarian function recession, can cause varying degrees of hot flashes sweating, anxiety and depression, upset comprehensive menopause symptoms such as irritability due to vaginal dryness, lack of lubrication, sex couples will not be greatly affected, but also cause vaginal mucosa damaged, Very easily lead to viruses, bacteria infection, induced vaginitis or aggravating the original condition.

Normal ovarian function of women 45 to 50 years old when the recession began, if a recession before the age of 40 signs of ovarian function as medical premature senility. Such women are often accompanied by amenorrhea or less, gonadotropin level rise and the decline in estrogen levels, clinical performance for different levels of hyperhidrosis hot flashes, vaginal dryness, such as decreased sexual desire after menopause symptoms.

Premature ovarian failure, is that the law has established the women's menstruation, 40-year-old before, because of ovarian function recession and a sustained decline of amenorrhea and genitals, often gonadotropin level rise and the decline in estrogen, with clinical manifestations see different levels of Hyperhidrosis hot flashes, vaginal dryness, such as decreased sexual desire after menopause symptoms so that patients Weilaoxianshuai, husband and wife to their physical and mental health and lives of great suffering. Premature ovarian failure, the impact on the quality of life of women

Ovarian function recession, can cause varying degrees of hot flashes sweating, anxiety and depression, upset comprehensive menopause symptoms such as irritability due to vaginal dryness, lack of lubrication, sex couples will not be greatly affected, but also cause vaginal mucosa damaged, Very easily lead to viruses, bacteria infection, induced vaginitis or aggravating existing conditions, to the quality of life, both physical and mental health have a great impact.

Primary qualitative premature ovarian failure, the exact cause is still not entirely clear.

A sign of premature ovarian failure, may be anti-government, anti-emphasis on governance, as follows:

Not to prevent disease, blocking potential of premature ovarian failure to attach importance to menstrual changes, such as menstrual thin hair, a few months, gradually to amenorrhea, did not have to pay attention to disease prevention.

On governance from the disease, as soon as possible on the reverse of the trend in premature ovarian failure or premature ovarian failure is, should be treated as soon as possible. The length of the course and effect between close relations, early detection and treatment to better efficacy, and difficulties in the course of the elderly. Recovered anti-rehabilitation, drug treatment and drinking with premature ovarian failure in the long treatment, it is necessary to combine Bushen Yijing, Spleen, nourishing love in the flesh and blood of the therapeutic goods, food and drug therapy, complement each other.

Dialectical therapy, revive the vitality

Ovarian care, prevention and treatment premature senility, the key is to fill the liver and kidney, Yijing blood, Zhuang Yuanyang, for the spleen and stomach so that the filling of qi and blood, ovarian get nourishment to revive the vitality of ovarian premature senility.

Treating is a doctor, under the guidance of a liver-kidney yin deficiency, Yaoxisuanruan, upset irritability, optional Liuweidihuang pill; a deficiency, Yao Xi acid cold, urine-the elderly, the choice of Jingguishenqi pill ; The spleen and kidney deficiency, looking Wei Huang, Shenpi fatigue, cold extremities, Naci abdominal distention, menstrual less, the choice of ginseng Guipi Wan. According to statement taking, three times a day, the temperature of water delivery service. Is a weak spleen and stomach, lack of qi and blood, not China looking, insomnia, palpitations, with dangshen, speculation TGP, the 15 grams of Angelica, Chinese yam, fried Zaoren the 30 grams, Ophiopogon japonicus, 24 grams Shudi all, 12 grams speculation Baizhu , Amomum villosum (after), the Zhigancao all six grams. Adequate water, suffering two times, each time after a small Huojian boil 30 minutes, Yao Zhi merger, after a meal served three times a day one.

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