Jul 22, 2008

Premature ovarian failure: the truth and symptomatic treatment

In recent years, experienced "premature ovarian failure" of women attacked more and more obvious trend of younger age. Faced with such problems, the most effective way is to understand some of premature ovarian failure as early as the knowledge, prevention.

In recent years, experienced "premature ovarian failure" of women attacked more and more obvious trend of younger age. Faced with such problems, the most effective way is to understand some of premature ovarian failure as early as the knowledge, prevention.

What is premature ovarian failure »flyover Beijing hospital gynaecological experts said Zhang Li, ovarian is the main female reproductive endocrine organ, located on both sides of the uterus, around each one, about the normal size of chestnuts. It has two main functions, first, reproductive function, that is, generate mature follicles and ovulation and the other is at

Hormone secretion, mainly consisting mainly of estrogen, the male hormone secreted a small number of women to maintain the unique signs. Normal ovarian function in women aged 45 to 50-year-old when the recession began gradually, but in recent years have found that premature ovarian failure patients have markedly increased, even in out-patient, to see the adolescent

The women. Premature ovarian failure refers to women in the 40-year-old for one reason or another cause before the menopause, infertility, to a lack of estrogen, the increased level of gonadotropin characterized by a disease. Patients with primary amenorrhea in the incidence rate of 10% to 28%.

A young age, premature ovarian failure Why »Zhang Li explained that the exact cause of premature ovarian failure is not very clear, but certainly there are more immune, drugs, surgery, infection, such as the destruction of factors. Such as: 1. Immune factors: the majority of autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis, and so could be consolidated premature ovarian failure. 2. Iatrogenic premature ovarian failure. Before the age of 40 with the side of bilateral or ovarian, and other organizations can cause ovarian dysfunction lead to premature ovarian failure. With the past that the side of ovarian, contralateral ovary can maintain normal endocrine function. In recent years, the study found that the side after ovariectomy, ovarian secretion of hormones decline, osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms appears to increase. In addition, to avoid invasive surgical procedures, such as repeated abortions; 3. Idiopathic premature ovarian failure. Without a clear causal factor in the secondary amenorrhea, premature ovarian failure is the most important type. More in the incidence of child-bearing age, clinical appear on progressive or scarcity of menstruation and menopause and with hot flashes, irritability and other symptoms of menopause, internal and external genital mutilation was shrinking state. 4. Infections: viruses such as herpes simplex virus, mumps virus can cause inflammation or autoimmune ovarian ovarian damage caused premature ovarian failure. Ovarian function of the recession is a gradual process, the overwhelming majority of patients in the event of premature ovarian failure before the performance for the period of scarce or menstrual disorders, hot flashes can occur, sweating, upset, forgetful, and other perimenopausal performance. Women obviously aging, skin drying and easy with osteoporosis.

At present premature ovarian failure has been a lot of female friends of concern, some agencies have also put up the beauty of ovarian maintenance projects. In this connection, experts remind us we must carefully. Because they used the method of ovarian maintenance since there is no clear scientific basis.

It is worth noting that under normal circumstances, when women are feeling less than flat ovarian, and it buried deep inside the pelvis, bladder in front, followed by colorectal, and even do the B-gynecology, so that patients have to drink enough The water, filling up the bladder, bowel displaced, B super-doctors to see the ovary. Therefore, the general approach is fundamentally inconsistent with massage less than the ovary, unless there is cancer, but if a tumor, massage is likely to cause ovarian torsion impact on the operation of the blood, leading to tumor congestion, the congestion of experience rapid growth, the package Even tension on the membrane rupture, once broken, the tumor in the abdominal cavity to the content of logistics, the organization will cause adhesions, the patient will be severe pain, it must be the emergency surgery.

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