Jul 22, 2008

High-pressure women to guard against premature ovarian failure

In fast-paced society, work, family pressure, stress, long-term fatigue, life without the law, oral contraceptives, and environmental pollution these are extremely accelerated the premature ovarian failure!

Ovary is a woman's "anti-aging center", it's more than 20 kinds of hormone secretion and growth factors and maintained a nine human body system, more than 400 parts of the young state. Once premature ovarian failure, it will lead to rapid aging human body parts, nine systems in all kinds of illnesses.

Therefore, the medical ovarian also known as women's health, the beautiful, "the source of life."

But in the fast-paced society, work, family pressure, stress, long-term fatigue, life without the law, oral contraceptives, and environmental pollution these are extremely accelerated the premature ovarian failure!

Premature ovarian failure, a direct result of the level of disorder in hormone secretion, a poor quality of the skin, gynecological diseases such as SARS and menopause.

Improve the "ovarian" function can be compared to the maintenance of the roots of the flowers is just as important, particularly worthy of attention to the broad masses of women!

Experts remind the majority of female friends: to improve ovarian function, we must choose the State Food and Drug Administration has approved "to improve ovarian function" of drugs, such as Guiyang Xintian medicine production-kun Capsule. We must see the package "to improve ovarian function" message.

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