Jul 23, 2008

Huayu in promoting blood circulation in the uterus of significant Shenxiao

For endometritis, and rule the hands of Chinese medicine are naturally more, in fact Chinese medicine in this area does have its unique method of governance, its treatment is also remarkable. However, the method for the treatment of blood stasis Yu, Qizhixueyu to the best effect, and Hanning blood stasis or kidney deficiency of blood stasis, and when the temperature in Quhan with liver and kidney or tonics can be effective.

Endometriosis incidence rate of women of childbearing age 5% -20%. The main performance for the secondary sexually transmitted diseases, of sexual intercourse, pelvic pain, menstrual abnormalities, infertility and so on. Western medicine in general use of hormone therapy or surgical treatment, but too much hormone therapy side effects, surgical treatment for women of childbearing age, it is difficult to accept. Therefore, the rule for the hands of Chinese medicine are naturally more, in fact Chinese medicine in this area does have its unique method of governance, its treatment is also remarkable. However, the method for the treatment of blood stasis Yu, Qizhixueyu to the best effect, and Hanning blood stasis or kidney deficiency of blood stasis, and when the temperature in Quhan with liver and kidney or tonics can be effective.

Huoxue Tongfu the basic law, is as follows:

Taoren 12 grams, Guizhi, Fructus Aurantii, mirabilite (-) 9 grams, 15 grams Biejia, powder-March 7 (-), 10 grams of Tubie insects, rhubarb, licorice all six grams, 20 grams Motherwort.

In the basic side on the basis of certification should be conducted according to different addition and subtraction. Qizhixueyu-such as, arguably the accession should be the basic Spartina, Ezhu, Cyperus rotundus, such as Qi stagnation line drugs; Yu such as hot blood stasis, it should increase Patrinia grass and dandelions antidotes such as heat, Dr Philip big increase to 10 grams, in addition to Yu heat; if for Hanning blood stasis, and should be reduced mirabilite, and rutaecarpine and Dried Ginger, Guizhi easy cinnamon, in addition to temperature, Hanning; if for kidney deficiency of blood stasis, In addition to minus mirabilite, we must also Jiadu SIN, or Dipsacus Ligustrum lucidum.

The treatment of endometriosis medication methods also stress

Should generally be in the 7-10 days before the beginning of medication, clothes to menstruation stops serving the first five days. One day, two water to cook, sooner or later the clothes and even served two menstrual cycle for a course of treatment. Light to serve a course of treatment Jiyu, weight are required to serve two to three courses. Yan Yao after dysmenorrhea, sexual pain, pain and other symptoms of anal Zhuizhang will soon disappear.

Modern medical research confirmed: Huoxue Tongfu method has changed hemorheology. Improve the general and local blood circulation, reduce plasma levels of the prostate and inhibit growth, such as ectopic endometrial role. Win this method is the treatment of endometriosis is a good results

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