Jul 23, 2008

Personalized contraception to women 20-50

From the 1940s the first oral contraceptives appears to date, within a short period of half a century, such as contraceptive drugs, contraceptives and the rhythm method of contraception, such as various forms have emerged. But not a method of contraception to people once and for all. However, the choice which means more security, the experts can give the best answer.

Expert Comments:

Women over the age of 40, as long as no menopause, ovarian normal secretion is still on the egg, still have the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, the sex life still need to pay attention to contraception. Under normal circumstances, such women if there is no physiological diseases, suggested the best place intrauterine birth control system, such as IUS. Moreover, it is the female hormone replacement therapy is of great benefit.

Needs to be emphasized is that women over the age of 40 do not eat the best emergency contraceptives. The main components of such drug is progesterone, after taking may affect the endocrine. The 40 women over the age of ovarian function recession, menstrual vulnerable, more vulnerable after the medication caused amenorrhea, or menstrual disorders.

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