Jul 24, 2008

Early detection of uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids in the female reproductive system is a common benign tumor, more common in women 30 to 50-year-old, in with the excessive and long-term estrogen stimulation (such as the flow of people and repeatedly), and other factors, most can be early Found.

Uterine fibroids in the female reproductive system is a common benign tumor, more common in women 30 to 50-year-old, in with the excessive and long-term estrogen stimulation (such as the flow of people and repeatedly), and other factors, most can be early Found. If women in the next five kinds of cases, to arouse the vigilance, to the hospital for further examination should be confirmed.

(1) menstrual changes. If you have a normal menstrual cycle changes, as output increased, irregular menstrual periods and extend to be taken into account.

(2) pain. Patients suffering from uterine fibroids, most feel no pain, but there are a small number of people infected with fibroids in the uterus or deformation, it may appear lower abdominal pain.

(3) mass. Can be reached next abdominal mass, especially in the urinary bladder filling the case of mass touch more obvious.

(4) pressure. In patients with uterine fibroids, most people can no feeling, however, if the fibroids lower position, not even cancer can also be oppressed adjacent organs such as the oppression of bladder, a voiding difficulties such as the oppression rectum can occur defecation Difficulties such as the oppression of ureteral Yaosuanbeitong symptoms can appear.

(5) infertility. In patients with uterine fibroids, a few can cause infertility phenomenon, its causes is the result of uterine fibroids deformation, the fertilized egg implantation disadvantage.

Once found out that the second kind of phenomenon should seize the time to the hospital for further treatment.

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