Jul 24, 2008

Easily be overlooked cervical polyps

Cervical polyps easily overlooked. Because 1 / 3 of patients lack of obvious symptoms, only when doctors found that even if symptoms are also minor, mainly spotting a small, bright red, or in life after a small amount of bleeding, sometimes mistaken for a "return to the . " A small number of people with the amount of bleeding may be similar to menstruation.

Cervical polyps of common gynecological diseases are one. Clinical data show that the incidence rate of women of childbearing age about 5% of all cervical lesions of the 4% -10%, especially good in the 30-49-year-old woman. Because the disease and inflammatory stimulation, sex and childbirth, and other factors, the incidence of married women occupy more than 98 percent.

Cervical polyps and related cervical erosion, due to cervical chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane stimulate the cervix, caused hyperplasia, and the uterus has a natural ability to remove foreign bodies so that the proliferation of cervical mucous membrane gradually from the bottom of the cervix, I highlighted a polyp, the polyp Red, tongue, soft texture and crisp, easy to touch the bleeding polyp there is a root, known as the pedicle, the general Beattie slender, mostly attached to the cervix, mouth, cervical polyps and more for individual growth, as most of its shape Soybean grain size, small as grain of rice-like, large diameter of about one centimeter. Sometimes there are several polyps can be long.

Cervical polyps easily overlooked. Because 1 / 3 of patients lack of obvious symptoms, only when doctors found that even if symptoms are also minor, mainly spotting a small, bright red, or in life after a small amount of bleeding, sometimes mistaken for a "return to the . " A small number of people with the amount of bleeding may be similar to menstruation. Some patients usually have yellow Leucorrhea, most of a strange smell, or in Leucorrhea with Blood-streaked phlegm; can be expressed as vaginal bleeding after menopause, the unmarried patients with more performance for vaginal prolapse I have mass.

From the bleeding itself, cervical polyps little effect on the health and long-term chronic inflammation of the formation of cervical polyps, the possibility of malignant transformation, the foreign information for the report of 0.7 percent of China's rural women is likely to exceed this figure. So once found cervical polyps, should actively treatment, surgery to remove the main general, can also be used drugs, laser and so on, won the polyps should be sent to pathological examination to rule out the possibility that the malignant transformation. Surgical removal of polyps very small, but larger polyp, Beattie is very rough, or women suffering from hypertension, heart or blood disease, surgery should be careful. After cervical polyps should also be reviewed regularly to the hospital, the first check should be in after about three months, after six months to one year while a review. Cervical polyps can be prevented, in addition to menstruation, post-natal or post-abortion care, daily life, attention should be paid to the perineum health, prevent vaginal inflammation and cervical erosion. At the same time to maintain the health of life, in addition to ground drying bedding, underwear and Qin Yichuan cotton fabric, such as washing Qinhuan. On this basis, the regular inspection of the women is also very important.

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