Jul 24, 2008

Uterine fibroids in patients with attention to diet

Uterine fibroids in patients with attention to diet

1, catering to light, fresh lamb, shrimp, crabs, eels, salt fish, such as hair-Hei Yu.

2, Ji Shi pepper, Ma Law, the Health and onions, garlic health, liquor and other provocative food and drinks.

3, fasting Guiyuan, red dates, Ejiao, royal jelly, and so hot, blood coagulation and the food ingredients containing hormones.

4, more than fresh meat, chicken, eggs, quail eggs, fish, soft-shelled turtles, whitefish, Chinese cabbage, asparagus, celery, spinach, cucumber, wax gourd, mushrooms, tofu, seaweed and laver, and fruits.

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