Jul 24, 2008

Uterine polyps should do what checks

A gynecological examination: acute inflammation foreseeable edema or congestive cervical erosion have Nongxing white cervical secretions from the cervix may have touched the pain of chronic cervicitis sense that there are different degrees of cervical erosion mast gland polyps or cysts valgus performance, such as cervical see I have Nongxing palpation secretions such as cervical hard for cervical erosion or polyps can have contact with bleeding

2 examination: endometrial polyps by the endometrial lining of the surface layer of epithelial cubic columnar epithelium polyps or low-middle part of a fiber containing its longitudinal axis of blood vessels

As pedicle narrow blood supply to reduce polyps vulnerable degeneration polyps most likely to occur within the vascular thrombosis due to bleeding into a dark purple often in the top began to rot necrosis might collapse and loss

3 cervical scraping-Sheba's grade Ⅱ

4 who can do serious condition to cervical biopsy diagnosis of malignant polyp diagnosis standards are: ① must see the whole polyps form; ② malignant polyps, limited to; ③ around the endometrial polyps should pay attention to non-cancerous glands and endometrial Cancer was the growth of polyps-identification

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