Jul 24, 2008

What are the performance of uterine polyps and how to diagnosis

Clinical performance

The disease can occur at any age after puberty but common in women over the age of 35 smaller single endometrial polyps often no clinical symptoms are often due to other diseases uterus removed after the general examination before they were found in or derived from diagnostic curettage Diagnosis of multiple diffuse to common menorrhagia and menstrual extend this area to increase with endometrial hyperplasia of the endometrium and large polyps or into the neck of the polyp-secondary infection caused by irregular bleeding necrosis stench of blood and secretion Of


Main symptoms of increased or irregular menstrual bleeding; cervical I see or touch the polyps in the uterus slightly increased for hysteroscopy or sub-scraping up the organization will be removed or removal of polyps can send a clear diagnosis of pathological examination And dysfunctional uterine bleeding and submucosal uterine fibroids and endometrial cancer, and other identification

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