Aug 1, 2008

Hemorrhagic shock can be complicated by the diseases

And traumatic shock the same hemorrhagic shock easily with DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) can cause serious shock death of the patients therefore need to timely rescue

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC) is a syndrome, not an independent disease, in the role of various pathogenic factors, in the capillaries, arteries, veins within the broader small fibrin deposition and platelet Gathered to form a wide range of micro-thrombosis, resulting in circulation and other internal organs dysfunction, consumption of clotting disease, secondary fibrinolysis, a shock, hemorrhage, embolism, hemolysis, and other clinical manifestations. Has in the past referred to as low blood fibrinogen Of (defibrination), consumption of clotting disease (comsumptive coagulopathy), have recently been considered expendable to thrombosis hemorrhagic disease (comsumptive thrombohemorrhagic disordors) as well, but still the most commonly used disseminated intravascular coagulation. Acute onset of DIC Jizhou Rapid development. Common symptoms are the following:

1 bleeding: Light skin can be only a few points of severe bleeding, that a wide range of skin or mucous membrane Yuban hematoma typical for large areas of skin Yuban visceral bleeding wound bleeding more than parts

2 thrombosis related to performance:

(1) skin thromboembolism: the most common nasal tip-toe ear fingertip skin cyanosis Ban Kuaizhuang bleeding skin necrosis stem necrosis, etc.

(2) renal thrombosis: oliguria no urine azotemia, and other manifestations of acute renal failure the most common

(3) pulmonary thrombosis: breathing difficulties cyanotic hemoptysis severe acute pulmonary failure can occur

(4) gastrointestinal thrombosis: gastrointestinal bleeding nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain

(5) cerebral thrombosis: irritable sense of lethargy obstacles coma convulsions cranial nerve palsy and paralysis of limbs

3 shock: acromegaly cold bluish violet oliguria and blood pressure dropped to vascular endothelial damage caused by DIC more

4 hemolytic: red blood cells through a result of microvascular disease, injury suffered mechanical deformation and rupture occurred on the clinical hemolytic anemia hemoglobin may have jaundice

5 original-like symptoms.

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