Aug 1, 2008

The use of health sliver will cause toxic shock?

I was a young woman. Menstrual line, often using health sliver. However, the sliver of the Manual of Health wrote: To guard against toxic shock syndrome occurred. Does the existence of such a situation »

Miss Wu in Nanjing, Jiangsu Miss Wu:

Health sliver (or health suppository) such as the finger-shaped, about 4 centimeters, when inserted in the vagina passing through. Health sliver can absorb blood so that the perineum maintain a clean dry after use without discomfort, but action free, popular President of all ages. However, health sliver is not perfect, and sometimes lead to toxic shock syndrome. This is because the intestinal bacteria into the vagina almost all. Women per milliliter of normal vaginal fluid contains about 100 million the number of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus menstrual period the detection rate can be as high as 17%. Originally a vaginal self-purification, menstrual blood, the brain drain is also a kind of self-purification. The use of health sliver, the menstrual blood was adsorbed on the sliver of Staphylococcus aureus that is, in the health sliver of the large number of breeding and release toxins. The experts also observed that the health sliver can absorb vaginal epithelium of mucus and water so that it becomes dry, and there can not be observed by the naked eye to the minor ulcers, to absorb toxins created the conditions.

Once the toxins into the blood, in the near future disease, manifested as high fever, accompanied by headache, malaise, vomiting, diarrhea, blood pressure dropped, leading to toxic shock and a heart, liver, kidney and other multiple organ failure and even death . Toxic shock syndrome Although the incidence rate of only 10,000, but with the health sliver number of users increased, the incidence of will of a rising trend.

Therefore, you should use every four to six hours to replace a night to sleep, the best use toilet paper or Weisheng Mian, in order to reduce the incidence of toxic shock syndrome.

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