Aug 5, 2008

Hemorrhagic shock first-aid treatment

Pithy Formula ★ first aid: close observation to prevent the loss of blood.

★ typical symptoms: a result of accidents caused by massive blood loss, blood pressure is zero.

1, the shock patients must pay attention to, in Yongdanjiatai to the treatment, patients should be near the back of the head of carrying a stretcher, and it is easy to shock, close observation at any time to deal with the condition deteriorated.

2, the patients will be the way to the hospital, patients should head towards his vehicle and set (the ambulance, aircraft, etc.) the way forward the contrary, due to accelerated so as not to cause further brain hemorrhage.

3, as is the big shock in pregnant women, should be allowed to take her lateral bit, otherwise the fetus and the uterus will be tremendous pressure vessels, causing Huixin output reduction, increase shock.

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